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Posts posted by CGA_88

  1. My top shows right now are:


    FlashForward (Hopefully this show sticks around because I really like it.)


    Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Ruins (I've always liked these challenge shows.)


    Law and Order: SVU (This show is so awesome! I wish I had been following it sooner.)


    Grey's Anatomy (I've been following this show since it first started airing in 2005.)


    On a side note, one of my all time favorite shows was the mini-series Harper's Island.

  2. Great pictures!


    I went to Knott's and SFMM this Summer. I was surprised when I went to Knott's because the operations at SFMM were so much better and the operators were very friendly. The operators at Knotts were very rude. Even this lady working at a sunglasses rack outside yelled at my friend for trying on 2 pairs of glasses saying, "You can't keep trying on glasses if your not going to buy any." I just don't understand what would compel somebody so be rude up front like the employees at Knott's. And with Xcelerator* being down, I have absolutely no desire do visit the park because the employees ruin whatever else the park has to offer.


    *This was the only ride I went on that had fun and polite operators.

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