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Everything posted by BeachKidBoy

  1. Who really cares, whatever happens, happens. It just won't be as bad as DCA.
  2. I have no problem with Tatsu but the helix on Goliath has caused me to 'grey-out' the last two times I've ridden it.
  3. I don't know either. I have ridden (rode) it since 1978 and have never seen both sides running. My guess would be when you go up the lift. A sad neglected, once brilliant ride.
  4. I am no expert on all the tech. aspects of coasters. I just remember Revolution being thrilling before those ear-busting restraints and Colossus before it became herky-jerky rough and so slow you almost have to get out and push it along. Half the wood is faded out or red. I remember the 'big three' at SFMM said a few years back they were going to restore both of these for the 30th anniversaries but I guess that fell by the wayside.
  5. I was there just about a week ago and can offer my suggestions. Absolutely go to the left and hit X2 first, followed by Tatsu. The most popular rides with the longest lines. Then keep walking around the back and maybe check Superman or Ninja (although by nighttime their lines are non-excistant, then hit up Deja Vu (if it's running) and Terminator (although it's new it's not all that popular and most times the walk through the queue is longer than the wait). Now that you're at the back you could hit Gold Rusher, a sentimental choice as it's been there 38 years, but if not go to Riddler and Batman, once again the queue is usually longer than the wait and Riddler gives you a great techno-house soundtrack if you like that. Then continue around and hit Scream and Goliath. You'll notice I omitted Colossus, and Revolution, which as well as Gold Rusher, can be ridden any time, there never is much of a line. But be sure to take in some of the water flume rides and flat rides.
  6. SFMM rides like Gold Rusher, Revolution, and Colossus are ancient classics that deserve at least a new paint job and maybe some cool lights. Even though I love the latest thrills, I always ride these three out of respect of what they were (are). They are pieces of history and should be maintained for the newer generation and with a little minimal work they will stand proud.
  7. SFMM had two live animal areas back in the day. A petting farm where Goliath now stands, and back where the Centennial Railroad and Spillikan Corners was. These features went the way of shopping mall pet stores back in the late 70''s - mid 80's.
  8. Why does it have to be record breaking? They spent $20 million between X2 and Terminator. Something along those lines for 2011 is certainly possible. Just because every park is getting something does not mean each park would be getting multi-million dollar coasters. Only the parks that can support it attendance wise. While a Bizzaro retheming is possible, it also ain't going to come cheap, and if you know anything about Tim and Jay, they do not like re-treads from other parks. They want something unique to SFMM. I agree with you. While it's cool to have the newest, biggest, fastest, tallest ride around, Jay, Neal, and Tim seem to be more grounded in having the best and the mighty '$' has to come into play. I'm sure we'll have one of those new record breakers soon enough but in the meantime I hope they keep making the park better with what they have. How long does a record coaster last anyway, a few months these days.
  9. If they do re-theme (or just theme Scream) maybe they could team withMADD and show the perils of drunk driving since it is in a parking lot. Tacky and very un-pc I know.
  10. Horahhh. Yeah. Has this not been the longer project ever? And it's still not over. Send MM's team over there and they could build an entire freeway in 3 months.
  11. I'm going to jump off the tube to go get dinner, but all I know is they (the big three) seemed very certain a new coaster was not to happen in 2010. Just some more flat rides, which I guess could be a drop ride.
  12. They WILL remain open, even if it comes down to new ownership. What this park has achieved, especially with the current management cannot be erased. New ownership could happen but the current management should remain as well as the park, unchanged. Hasn't this happened about five times already?
  13. I really don't know. While as Knott's pulls you up slowly and drops you fast, and DCA launches you up and then drops, they want something to either do both or a different variation. I do remember in talking to the GM at Knott's, he said Disney had a 60 mile radius of exclusive rights to a launch tower which is why Knott's couldn't launch you. But since SFMM is out of that boundry, they can do anything, but obviously don't want it to look like a copy.
  14. I've talked to Jay, Neal, and Tim (as I have already stated) a few times at it does seem that a drop ride is a priority, along with flat rides. It seems that something 'different' from what DCA and Knott's offer is what they're looking at. Possibly a rocket-type silo which launches you from below ground level. But that;s just a hopeful guess. They are very secretive until they actually announce it.
  15. From what Jay, Neal, Tim said last week there will be no big coaster this coming year. But a concentration on flat rides, so Wiggles sounds right, and I have heard that also.
  16. In hearing from Jay, Neal, and Tim, they are definitely planning on flat rides for 2010. It makes me wonder while they kept Electric Rainbow and Himalaya, they got rid of Swiss Twist, Spin Out, Enterprise, Crazy Barrels, Circus Wheel, and Jolly Monster. These, even though some were carnival type rides, they were fun and added to the park's diversity. From what I have heard 2010 will be flat rides and touch-ups to others as well as the superstructure of the park and a new coaster of some type will be in 2011.
  17. I was there June 14th, a 'coaster event' and a question came up about single-rider lines. Jay and Neal said they were working on setting them up officially like at Disney. They do it on some rides if you enter through the FlashPass line but not on them all. When I was there they did not do it on Deja Vu, but they did on Riddler. If one can wait, absolutely go on a TPR or ACE event and many times, even without ERT, you could be riding by yourself. I rode Revolution, Superman, Gold Rusher, and Colossus by myself and even Goliath was delayed since they said they had to have at least 15 people on the train to send it off.
  18. All of the above tips are good. You're doing good by going on a weekday, but now that's it's summer it still will be crowded. You could do the FlashPass option, but whatever you do I would first go to the left and hit X2 and Tatsu, then skip Ninja and go on Deja Vu and Terminator, then keep circling the park for everything else. X2 cannot run in high winds, same with Superman, so they may be down in the afternoon if it gets windy. Also Tatsu gets very long lines. Riddler and Batman are usually not that crowded. I would, in order go on X2, Tatsu, Terminator, Deja Vu and then work around the park.
  19. They are advertising it all over Tv. I see a ton of comercials every day for it, lol. Im so happy we have a GCI to ride now. Iv'e seen a ton of SF commercials advertising X2, Tatsu, and Goliath as well as ads for the film, but nothing cross-promoting the two.
  20. Maybe it won't be the best or the worst. I'm just a novice, from some people's opinions, but I just like a cool fun ride. I don't crituque or even know what company built what and where. I just like a fun experience. I just very recently rode California Screamin' at DCA and loved it. I still like Goldrusher even when I feel sorrow for Colossus. I welcome a new coaster; maybe it's not a groundbreaking hypermeagcoaster but it's a new addition and a healthy mix. I am looking forward to riding this June 14th.
  21. Thanks Eric, And you remember me, we have met a few times either on the net or in person. You have been a great informative buddy to meet. I met you last June and this past March. Will you be at SFMM June 14th?
  22. Thanks Robb, and I am sorry for the misspellings, especially when you have a checker involved. I just like having the opportunity for both groups, and seeing as a lot of us are involved with both, 'can't we all just get along' and have fun!
  23. One more follow-up to my last comment. And I don't mean to be biased but at this year's ACE WCS at Knott's, the regional rep didn't even show up. The nezt day at TPR's WCB at SFMM Robb was all over the place and even in passing by him and his 'posse' at 10pm he asked if we were having a great time. Plus TPR has Big Mike, a great fun gut I met that day and couldn't have been more fun and nice.
  24. I have been a member of both for just over a year. I have been on trips put together by both groups. I have noticed the group sponsoring the event seems to rag on the other gropus and visa-versa. I am just a theme park fan and enjoy both groups for what they put together for us all. It's all about having fun and giving common respect. Earlier this year I attended Winter Coaster Solace (ACE) and WCB (TPR) on back-to-back days, some of the same people were at both and we ALL had a great time!
  25. Sleek looking trains. The black and grey with 'machine accents' look hot. It looks like the sound system will play facing towards the rider whereas X2 plays from the side and back of your head. If this is so, where are the speakers for the front row riders?
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