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About scotchTAPE

  • Birthday 03/26/1995

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  1. I rode this yesterday too, and let me tell you it was insane! Well worth wait for me. It was like 70min. stand by while the Fastpass machines were down. I would've just wished they would have made the queue area more creepy, but the video at the loading station was a nice touch. The projects we're really cool, and the eerie sound effects and music were a nice as well. And I think i'm the only one, but i got scared at the end, it really caught me off guard. lol! Well yeah, if anyone is by Disneyland before November 1, you should definitely try this out!!
  2. They actually presented a video of the model of the dragon lighting the river on fire. It swang it's neck around the entire river, it was very impressive. Yes they did! They presented a stop motion animation of the dragon which had the same movement as the dragon does now (somewhat) including the swooping to the rivers and setting it on fire. Remember how the dragon broke, it was because of the head failure. There's this website called MiceChat (I'm sure some of you know it) they say that the dragon is currently moving in "B-mode" basically rehersal mode, not putting the dragon out to it's full potential. My guess is that they're taking it safe as of right now with the dragons movements, keeping the dragon at an up right position when shooting fire out of her mouth. I'm hoping that next year when the refurb of the river is finished, Murphy will have her swaying back and forth blowing fire motion out. By the way for those who are interested, the stop motion animation is in this video, look around the 7:29 mark
  3. Seems like Disneyland still has a few kinks to work out, yesterday Murphy didn't breathe fire although the sparks from her head shot out, tonight she did breathe fire, but the sparks did not shoot out . Hopefully sometime this week she'll be all fine . Here's a video of her in the fire spewing;
  4. Does WDW even need to upgrade? Just look at how nutso the So Cal Disney fans are going over the "new dragon." My guess is that at any given Fantasmic! show, a good percentage of the crowd have seen the show at least one time before. I'm also going to guess that is not the same for the WDW Fantasmic! crowd who are mostly seeing the show for their first and only time in their life. If the dragon is still a crowd pleaser in WDW does it need to be replaced? Disneyland can easily re-market an upgrade like this to their local So Cal audience and hundreds of thousands will show up just to see a new plastic dragon. But would the upgrade have the same draw in Orlando where to most visitors everything is new to them? --Robb Oh, and ps to scotchTAPE, you should probably read this thread: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=31454 I'm sorry robb . I'll be sure to not do what that thread said to not do . Im not techincally saying that the WDW needs to upgrade im just saying it would be nice for them to upgrade theirs too, like something new and fresh you know ? It's kind of like you said before, it would've been nicer to see the actual dragon they advertise instead of some dragon head on a stick . But thats true though, most of the Disneyland guests are locals with annual passes so i would understand why Disneyland tries to make everything new and nice again . OH THERE'S THIS ARTICLE SAYING MURPHY WILL DEBUT TONIGHT. link : http://travel.latimes.com/daily-deal-blog/index.php/fantasmic-disneyland-5250/
  5. probably in the next few years, maybe more than that . . . disneyland's fantasmic recently upgraded their finale with different pyro and more laser lights, etc . disney's hollywood studios still hasn't recieved that treatement yet . and disney now has fabric mad elephants dancing on stage, a new tick tock crock, the two eels from ursela in the little mermaid, and a yet to debut dragon . florida still needs that as well . i would expect dhs entertainment to upgrade fantasmic in a couple of years but who knows .
  6. after almost 3 months of postponment due to technical issues, disneyland's long waited dragon maleficent (or some call her murphy) was suppose to debut today, monday august 31 . there was suppose to be a press event at 4AM, but was cancelled . later in the day the showing of murphy at the 8:15 fantasmic showing, cancelled . and yet again, it is a question to know when murphy will show up . but in the mean while, disneyland was nice enough to send two pictures and a video of the dragon in movement . some say its in rehersal mode and this not all she will do, at the fire point she's suppose to have her neck over the river, this video doesnt show that, micechatters hope they fix it before she debuts . now, what do you guys think about murphy !?
  7. can you believe that this is their commercial for the haunted hotel walkthrough ? does it seem disney to you ? well i know of course in asia they love horror so i dont see why they wouldnt go all out haha !
  8. finally ! they're bringing something from hong kong disneyland to disneyland in california ! did you guys ever realize how disneyland in hong kong goes super crazy during the halloween time ? even their commercials dont seem disney . it really looks like something out of a horror movie . haha, but anyways about this ghostly galaxy, it looks like a good addition for their halloween time and i cant wait to see how it turns out . and a new firework show again ! with jack skellington oh yes ! can't wait until the fall ! i have a feeling halloween time for 09' will be insane .
  9. disneyland & california adventure next week (: thank goodness for the summer pass.
  10. im curious, they said "In the new attraction, guests will don special glasses as they enter a darkened soundstage aboard the Studio Tour trams and. . ." does this mean they will stop the studio tram and hand each person 3/4-D glasses? or does this mean glasses will be provided before hand before guests board the tram. makes me worried and curious because due to the fact that some portions of the tour are rather boring and i guarantee people will be messing around with the glasses and probably drop them or something.
  11. i dont know if anyone realized this (i probably might be reaaaaaalllly late) but the PARADISE PIER logo changes colors. from the pictures ive seen its been a neon blue, this video i found the logo seems to be sunburst. it looks cool http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiBVE3uFD78 i just really wanna see mickeys fun wheel all lit up .
  12. well again, a lot of people may have viewed this before but i havent seen this to be posted on this thread so yeah. this is to believe to be testing of WORLD OF COLOR, the new nighttime extravaganza water show. this video may be a little confusing for the fact that people wonder where the water jets are if the lagoon is just concrete so far, the only thing you may see is one big blob of white water(if you are one of those visual people who can turn objects around in your head you might be able to tell that there are more than one water jet shooting up) and some random wierd moving bright light. but hey, at least its progress. so here you goo;;
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