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Posts posted by pagemaster_b

  1. Drops and launches on coasters are the same for me, I like them both. There something about your breath taken away, and I always love the view from the top. Drop/launch towers, however, the only "feeling" I get is distress. I have a fear of heights, and being dropped or launched into the air scares me. I think it's all those dreams of falling while growing up is the reason. On a coaster I feel safer. (If it's my first time on the coaster, there is a bit of that "distress feeling", but it's usually gone the second or third time around.)

  2. YES!!! The night I had to go through a nighttime infiltration course during Basic Training. One of the worst nights of my life. My Squad ditched me (made me mad), live bullets flying over head and TNT blasts (scared), my drill sergeant yelled at me the entire way (scared, stressed, you name it), rocky ground and no knee or elbow pads (major tears of pain), I was happy and relieved when I finally made it to the end, and I just about died laughing when my straight-as-an-arrow battle buddy had a negligent misfire on his M-16 just before loading up to go back to the barracks. I know there's a few other emotions mixed in there somewhere. It wasn't just a physical battle, it was mental as well. I nearly gave up.






    Are you going home for Chirstmas?

  3. Um, would anyone care if I deleted this thread?


    I seriously don't totally understand why, but it just kills me!!! I HATE THIS THREAD!!!!


    If you guys *really* want me to keep it I will, but I'd like to get rid of it.


    Please let me know what you think!








    It's alright to have a little mindless fun, just as long as no person, plant, or animal is injured or killed, and no property is damaged. But if this thread really annoys you, I won't lose any sleep over it if you kill the thread. (But I will have to come up with something more annoying! )






  4. ^ Class B's--I'm sorry. BDUs are much more comfortable, especially when a Sergeant or Officer gets it in his mind to smoke you during class (I've had a few ROTC classes).



    My Class A uniform doesn't fit me any more. I blame my tour at the Umatilla Cemical Depot (central Oregon) where I put on over twenty pounds in first four months, and all the fast food I've been eating over the past couple years. There was a time ten years ago I was a buck fifty, now I'm over two hundred--I wish it was muscle, not fat!

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