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Everything posted by ben2008

  1. I've stayed there back in 2015 while visiting. Totally recommend it since it's conveniently close to the park.
  2. This is the moment I’ve been waiting for five years… PROJECT Nu Era make it’s debut a day early and it’s more detailed than it’s predecessor PROJECT 2010. All heavily detailed and free-handed. It is my most anticipated project to date! Featuring five major roller coasters, all located in different areas around the park, themed to a specific time, place or era. These areas embark resemblance on previous projects and based off of other Six Flags parks. Ride projects include today’s manufacturers from Bolliger & Mabillard, Vekoma, Chance Morgan, Zamperla, Premier Rides, Funtime, Great Coasters International, S&S Power and many more! The themed areas are the aspect of the park and are breathtaking. The centerpiece which matches the logo, appears to coincide with the Solar Eclipse later in August. Within the centerpiece is a major attraction, dubbed the Centennial Screamer. A 250 foot S&S Triple tower giving thrills and birds-eye views of the surrounding park. Once you are at the centerpiece, let the compass guide you on your next adventure into the Nu Era! Now live on DeviantArt: http://fav.me/dbfr5h5 PROJECT Nu Era
  3. Partial Story: "...we had to sell off the Floorless Coaster, Suspended Looping Coaster and Zierer Tivoli Family Coaster. Those coasters were being sent off to another theme park to premiere in 2010. Although the family coaster was scrapped and replaced for the park later on." "What was the reason behind it?" "..." ...to be continued. What the park looked like 10 years ago. Hope you guys liked this little update. Yes, it's been a while with an artwork update. Busy with life, you know. Illinois Adventure Park is 10 years old now. Paper is still fragile while doing this update, but nothing bad happened!
  4. I've only ridden two of them. 1. Goliath (SFGAm) 2. Outlaw Run (SDC) Hopefully more will be added in the future...
  5. 14x17 inches. Thank you! I'm really keeping the detail sharp on this one.
  6. Sorry for the double-post. Here are more previews just to get you guys pumped up on this next project! Just click on the photos to view the detail. Giant Inverted Boomerang next to Rio Bravo River Rapids. Paradise Island area in the water park along with a lazy river and Wahoo Racer. Centennial Screamer - S&S Triple Shot Towers.
  7. #2017 A little preview of what's going to *hopefully* happen in 2016. Anyone want to take a few roller coaster guesses in the blurry picture? (Except for the ones that I'm letting you view that aren't blurred). Excited yet?
  8. Merry Christmas, everyone! It's been a long time since I posted a previews/teasers of my latest project that I was working on. Well anyways, that project has been revised and the park is being completely redone. The old layout had a bit of an issue and was hard to work around, so a new park design was re-instated. The rides and roller coasters are in different areas as well. Here are the new previews, enjoy! Knight Flight Wing Coaster Wahoo Racer slide. Bonzai Beach - featuring Wave Pool, Typhoon Twister, Bonzai Pipelines, Tornado and Cabanas. Inspired by Hurricane Harbor at Six Flags Over Georgia. Prowler meets Renegade (Dubbed The Villain in drawing). 130 meter Nu Era SkyScreamer on right.
  9. Love Option #1. Having a Twitter feed on the right gave it a nice touch. Plus, the minimal layout closely matches the Forums layout.
  10. I was at a State Fair back in August of last year. The only rides I rode on were the Wave Swinger, ARM Drop Tower and Wipeout. Every other ride had signs that said: No Single Riders. Back in 2007, I rode almost everything there with no problems.
  11. Another preview! S&S Triple Towers, I find these as perfect centerpiece attractions. Notice the fancy pathway details?
  12. I've been really quiet lately. Here's a preview of Mind Eraser in my new project I'm working on... Giant Inverted Boomerang anyone?
  13. Seems that I've been kinda quiet lately. Well, I'm currently working on another massive project and I finally posted a preview on my Facebook page! Check it out and click the link below! (Sorry, but the preview is Facebook exclusive only!) http://www.facebook.com/bens.amazing.artwork
  14. Well, I'm finally back! Finished up a new collaborative water park project and thought I'd show everyone... WaterVille Splash Park! The third Centennial Era project... Entry plaza of WaterVille. The compass returns! GIANT Wave pool. Right in the middle of the park. One of the two kid/family areas, this one is quite bigger than the second one... Huge assortment of water slides, The Abyss, Python (x2), Boomerango, and much more!! Oh hey, another wave pool! The second kid/family area. Small isn't it? Even more slides; a Mat Racer, Zip Coaster, Rattler... The list goes on. The Anaconda and Constrictor... And finally... The WHOLE Park!! What do you guys think of the water park? Also, I'm still using the "Amazing background". If you want to see more of my other artwork, including PROJECT 2010 and the Six Flags St. Louis recreation, visit: Ben's Amazing Artwork on Facebook! and "Like"!
  15. This is incredible! Can't wait to see what it looks like when it's fully completed. Great job!
  16. I have not posted anything in a while, so I thought I might upload the relaunch of Six Flags St. Louis! Color was used for the first time on this, yet I'm starting to add the "Amazing Background" on every project now. Here's also a sneak peek of my next project... (Sorry if the quality isn't great, took it with my iPod.) All projects are on 14x17 Bristol paper. Be sure to "Like" Ben's Amazing Artwork on Facebook on more previews of the new Water Park project!
  17. Alright folks, here's what you've been waiting for the past few months... ...Six Flags St. Louis: 40th Anniversary Edition!! I can't believe I made history today as I unveiled the park on the Six Flags St. Louis Facebook page this morning. Feels great to have succeeded a lifetime achievement. I was going to have this as a separate topic, but I decided to keep it safe on here so I don't get in trouble. Now, ONTO THE PHOTOS!! (I saved the best for last!!!) Six Flags St. Louis: 40 YEARS Emblem. Hurricane Harbor The Boss 1904 World's Fair and Entry way American Thunder (Evel Knievel) More of The Boss and Screamin' Eagle (Notice the colors for it's 35th Anniversary). GO BIG. GO SIX FLAGS! (Looks printed doesn't it?) Here it is, the whole park itself... Six Flags St. Louis!! Also posted on: deviantArt and Ben's Amazing Artwork - Facebook That's all I got so far. If you guys want more photos, let me know and I'll post more up. Thanks for viewing everyone!
  18. You'll love it even more, cause it's done!! I will upload it tomorrow. Here's my question though, since it's a real park drawing, should it get it's own topic?
  19. What do you guys think of my Six Flags St. Louis drawing so far? If anyone's noticed, the Colossus (ferris wheel) has gold on the supports!
  20. It's been a while since my last reply. Anyways I'm still working on getting it finished, just thought I'd show you guys what I'm doing and which surprises are in store. It'll only be on here, not anywhere else! Here's one (notice the new SkyScreamer ride): Screaming Eagle to get color for its 30th Anniversary!! First time adding color onto a coaster also! Still being worked on also.
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