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Flya Pelican

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Everything posted by Flya Pelican

  1. I spy 9 duckies! That is my personal guess. Great TR BTW, fahrenheit looks awesome!
  2. No wait for any ride? Even on weekends? Also, which has more lines, the water park or the rollercoaster side?
  3. Which park should my family go to? Let's keep in mind the circumstances of the family. A 17 year old boy who is scared of rollercoasters and only likes water rides. Same with the parents. Me, who loves both. And my little brother who is 2 year old and needs a good little kids section. We were planning to go to Dorney Park for a 2-Day-Trip and stay at a Holiday Inn across Dorney Park, visiting both water and theme parks of the park. One problem here, only I like the coasters. Second problem, we don't know if the one payment allows us to go to both parks Third problem, is there a good enough area for my little brother to play in? Also, since this is a big park my mom wants us all to be together. At Land of Make Believe my little brother can play in the kids section with my mom and she will allow me to go on anything I like without her. Meaning I can go run around and do whatever. The problem is, there are only like 4 water rides! And that's pretty much all I have to do there!! Does anyone know if there are REALLY long lines at LOMB? And how long the lines are at Dorney Park Mon-Thurs? Thanks for the help guys!!
  4. So sad Was that because she had an issue in her body? Or did she not have enough oxygen because of the ride? If that's the case- I'm going to be scared to go on a coaster (I was already scared LOL!) RIP- prayers to her family I rode this ride like 20 times back to back when I was younger (and the ride wasn't so rough). I am guessing she had a pre-existing condition, but will not blame anyone, because how can she know if no symptoms were previously exhibited. Ah, I see. I'm pretty positive I have no heart conditions, considering I rode the Hurricane coaster 6x back-to-back last week!
  5. Your heart delivers oxygen to your brain via blood vessels. Her heart stopped, and her brain stopped getting oxygen. So, yes, she did not have enough oxygen because of the ride. So it's because of the heart attack that happened. I thought you could just stop getting oxygen because a ride is too fast or something. I think she had a condition that made this happen. A ride cannot be that scary
  6. So sad Was that because she had an issue in her body? Or did she not have enough oxygen because of the ride? If that's the case- I'm going to be scared to go on a coaster (I was already scared LOL!) RIP- prayers to her family
  7. Here is a map of Splish Splash in Long Island, NY. It's amazing, when I go with my camp on Friday to Splish Splash I'm going to try to go on each ride. Not counting 'Lazy River' & the 'Wave Pool'. Those aren't even rides, just wastes of time. I might even try the Cliff Diver as long as the staff promises I won't have a heart attack!
  8. On the topic of staff attitude- at the local amusement park in NY 'Adventureland' the ride OP was amazing at Hurricane! We were scared of him at first because obviously he was autistic and we were just about to start the ride and my seatbelt thingy opened up and he did this really weird noise and was like "u sife u sife" (safe) and just closed it back up. Then when we went on again, we noticed he was AWESOME! He may have had some problems obviously, but everytime we got on he would be like "3,2,1 woooo" and then start the ride and as we were about to climb up the lift-hill he gives us all high fives. And sometimes he would give you a high five, fake it, and brush his hair. He was so much fun! Too bad he couldn't talk right, and had some mental problems because he was obviously an awesome guy! We felt so bad for him, but hopefully he knew we thought he was awesome! So yeah, ride OPS could be awesome people! And can add to the fun of the ride, especially if they just try.
  9. Hurricane at Adventureland Long Island, Farmingdale. It's CRAZY!!! IT's so much fun, but the amount of head banging, arm bruises, damn that thing can put you in so much pain. Not to mention the person on the right side looks as though you're going to hit the pole every turn- seriously. So the right passenger always puts his head in and gives ME more damage LOL!
  10. Splish Splash is my favorite water park. I think it may be the only water park I've been to. It's too much fun and the rides are crazy! The Alien Invasion is one of the sickest rides ever- the green tube you go through, the mist, the little "UFO" crash landing in the line to make the theme look cooler. It's amazing. Once you get off the ride you want to get on as soon as possible! The next fun ride is Dragon's Den, now of course most people think this ride is a piece of **** but I think it's tons of fun! The toilet bowl goes nowhere but the drop is sexy! : All of the other rides are pretty much the same, you got the speed slides and tube rides, but they are ALL sooooo much fun! Going there Friday with my camp. splishsplashlongisland.com
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