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Status Updates posted by Nrthwnd

  1. Happy B-Day, Bert! Be well, stay safe ... and eat some cake.๐ŸŽ‚

    Bill, David ... and Stella (meow)

  2. RIP Barry. Miss you and your unique way of saying things, And your cards! I should have suspected, something had happened when the cards stopped coming after April's "May The Fourth" card arrived.

    May you find your own personal Dutch Wonderland to enjoy forever and ever.

  3. We got a dusting of snow, today. No big deal. I had decided NOT to go out for lunch today. So staying warm and toasty inside right now .... yum. And we have plenty of food here to last through one evening, lol. Stella's not choosing to go out, even if it means staying on the front porch, watching the proverbial world go by. Smart cat. She has her fave places to curl up on or in. ๐Ÿ˜ผ

  4. This weekend, is The Weekend I planned to Holiday-fy the house and front porch. First, lights up on the porch and a wreath put out. Then I take care of our mantle piece in the living room. A string of lights is on it year round, but I don't "light'em up" till (usually) December. And we actually still get some cards to put up on it. Then, I bring down The Tree, which is fake and still decorated from previous years, dust it off lightly, and it's good to go in the front window! ๐ŸŽ„ And then, whatever else is needed in the living room (we keep all of this stuff to the one room), I do it. And finally, catch up on my cards' list. Already sent out the overseas and cross Canada ones. Now it's just the USA and local ones to do. Easy!

    I really have downsized decorating quite a bit, through the years. I used to do the kitchen window, and other spots through the house. BUt it's honestly just me and David. We rarely, if ever, get guests over. And I have no family left, and David's family are all in the mid west U.S.

    Anyway, ho ho ho and I'm still off booze in the house. That's a good thing. Maybe I'll cheat a little once Solstice happens. Hmmmm... โ„๏ธ

  5. omgomgomgomg! I can't believe I just (literally) plunked down over $600 (cdn) for Cirque du Soleil tickets? For a show that we'll be seeing, exactly one year from now??? omgomgomgomg. I had gotten my Amex card amount owing, down to under $50 ... and then this happened, today. But it's a definite Good Thing that happened today.

    ๐Ÿคฉ Can't wait to see this, again as VIP "Patrons" lol.ย  And, it's going to be totally paid off, before the first week of the New Year is over, Truth! And it makes the perfect Us Gift to give David, from me. ๐Ÿ’‹

  6. It's been a pretty good couple of weeks for me here, money-wise. I've won a few lottery tix draws (won small amounts, but hey - who's counting?), then I got a bonus of (free) pension income from the Gov't (over $230 deposited), and THEN I took a chance, bought $40 of scratch tickets .... and immediately won over $100! So I made $60 for my $40 paid. Not too shabby. And both my credit cards (AMEX and VISA) are each below $50!

    Other than the awful windy weather (and rain of course) we've gotten lately, I am a happy bear, for now. ๐Ÿ’ฐ*


    *All in Cdn. funds, of course.

  7. My main credit card (AMEX) has slowly been whittled down, month by month, to under a thou$and so far. I'm so thrilled that the Pandemic actually forced me to buy less, go out less, and charge less! I cancelled one card (Mastercard) a couple of years back. My second card (VISA) Is doing fine, well under $50 (Cdn) per month. And now my third card, (used to be) worst of the three with elevated % charges per month. Now .... I got last month's billing charges, reduced to ..... 82 cents. Truth! So happy about all this. By the end of summer, I should be in fine shape, charge card-wise. ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. Recent Stuff Dept:

    Had something of a 'rash' happening on the back of my neck. Fun stuff, and have been prescribed a gel to help get it off my neck!

    Fun times. Spring is coming in fairly usual. The front yard is starting to blossom in pinks and reds. And passers by, notice it/them.


  9. Geez I have got to pay attention to what I am reading here! Just confused Kings Island with Cedar Point! And posted TWICE in the thread, with Cedar Point in mind. <sighs> Getting old is not all cheery and restful. That said, I removed the posts w/apologies.

  10. On Our 50th Anniversary Weekend Just Passed....

    It was over a thou$and dollars to do all that I/we did. But IMhO it was worth every dollar we /I spentย  for it all to happen.

    The Keg dinner mid-April was nearly $200. The dinner we enjoyed at Bistro Absinthe was the same: nearly $200. Cdn.

    And the VIP Tickets to ALEGRIA were worth over $700 Cdn.

    But honestly. I could not have imagined a better way to spend it all, on us and what we were celebrating ... US!

    Thanks to any of you who were a part of this thing we did. And commented on. Much appreciated. xox B&D ๐ŸŒป

  11. My 69th birthday is tomorrow. Feeling 'okay' about it. And David will be 75 next week. And he seems to be doing fine with his body and health. But with everything going on next month, planning for the occasions is tricky.

    Not only our two birthdays to enjoy, but Earth Day (Apr.22) will be our 50th Anniversary together. Truth! Not legally 'married' in any form or fashion. But after that many years (started in 1972).... c'mon give us a bit of slack, hmm? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  12. My back has started to "bug me" again. Been a few years since I got chiro to take care of it.

    Hmmm. Maybe another chiropractical visit is in order, since we can actually see doctors again, here.

    Stay tooned .....

  13. Hello everybody! We are literally snowed in, for this holiday season. Something that is very rare around here in Vancouver. But so be it, it happens every few years or so. David and I are doing fine. Staying indoors a lot, and not going out, unless we absolutely have to. For food and (usual) medical appointments, lol.

    Other than that, we hope that every one has a great New Year's! And that 2022 will be ultimately better than the previous two years.


  14. Hey all - our rain "might" turn into the snowy stuff. But it's so unpredictable here in Vancouver. I'm not betting on it.

    We also did our final grocery buying this afternoon, before The Day arrives. Wasn't too stressful. We did good.

    Hope that everyone is staying healthy and safe and such. And to the non-vaccine-ers .... ๐Ÿคฅ

    But I do hope that the new one virus doesn't hit you and your loved ones. Holly Jolly Happy!

  15. We're getting into the "swing of the Holidays", now. The tree is up and lit, the mantle piece above the fireplace is decor-ed, and the front of the house is properly decorated and "lit".

    I think we're ready for It, ho ho ho. ๐ŸŽ„

  16. Bought the tickets to Cirque du Soleil's ALEGRIA, to enjoy on our 50th Anniversary date, Aprill 22nd!

    Giving them to David as a Holiday Gift on the 25th. Can't wait to see his reaction that day! ๐ŸŽ…

  17. So much rain these past days. Many floods, part of our main highway washed out....

    ...and Vancouver was basically "Cut off" from the rest of Canada, for transport on land.

    And traveling of course. Very scary. Five people lost their lives over here. So far.

    It's tough. And more high winds and showers for another several days...

    <sighs> And so it goes. We're fine, still with power, and lots of room to go crazy in, lol.

  18. Been feeling crappy, with all sorts of "pains" in my body, mostly below the waist. Left leg, right of my back. across the tail bone 'line'.....

    Have put off re-visiting Playland, till I feel much better about going....

    ... And of course it would be absolute awesome if COASTER was running too ........ ???? ........ HINT TO PNE ....... ๐Ÿ˜Š


  19. It's OPENING WEEKEND of Playland in Vancouver, Canada!ย  Finally!ย  :airtime:

  20. I'm here.

    I'm queer.

    And I'm old.

    Get used to it.ย  ๐Ÿน

  21. I FINALLY got my first two tickets to Playland(PNE), which opens the first weekend of May! I have to go thru TicketLeader for each and every single day admission to the park <sighs>, and have to use a Code they emailed me for future use .... but hey, I got not much else to do right now, and it is only open weekends in May. But, as a Season Pass Holder from last year, I essentially get all the visits I want to the park w/o having to pay a single nickle (we don't have pennies any more, lol) for the tickets. I hope. Otherwise, I just can't wait to even stroll thru the park, w/o having to ride anything!

    Yah, sure. ๐Ÿ˜‹ Well ..... maybe a ride (or three?) on Coaster, at least....


    One paper "ticket" for each day. Maybe next time, I can print them back-to-back? Hmmmm.

  22. ๐Ÿƒย Happy Earth Day Everybody! ๐ŸŒฒ

  23. Playland opens May 1st! Finally! Only weekends in May, though. To begin with. And I'll have a "Code" (as a 2020 Pass Holder) to use when getting my tickets for whatever days and times I want to go. A bit of work to get tickets, but that's okay. I'll live with it, lol. ๐ŸŽข

  24. And my "Content Count" has just reached 26,600 !

  25. I get my first Vaccine Shot next Monday/19th! Relieved and a bit scared of it. I've never been one with needles, no matter what the reason.

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