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About cherryblossom

  • Birthday 03/09/1981

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  1. What, no photos of you doing the chicken dance with Miss Lillian??? I think Eric was more excited that he finally got the kiddie coaster credit.
  2. I must have missed the weather station guy with the "Idiots guide to Weather" Now that is funny!
  3. I completely forgot it was his birthday! Does anyone remember his name? He told Robb he wanted to sign up for a trip next year. Thanks for the comments everyone! Glad you are enjoying the pictures so far. Wasn't that guy's name Tom?? And I thought he was joking that it was his birthday.
  4. I think my ears bled on the Mind Eraser! The mistake of wearing sunglasses!! OUCH!
  5. Actually he was really scared... he almost peed his pants.
  6. So true! *Wank!* This is a great trip report--I really am looking forward to the rest of it! And to Candace, I'm sorry about bashing your knee around on the crazy Bumper Cars at Knoebels last night! That's alright... I didn't need that knee cap anyway!
  7. If you are just looking to take better photos with your digital, I recommend picking up this book: Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson It's an excellent book.
  8. The D40 is an excellent camera. My biggest issues were the limited lenses that were available to use. The ones I wanted would not AF. Also there is no command mode for the SB600 EF. I still have my D40 and have recently purchased the D200 as my main camera. Congrats on the new toy
  9. chiming in with my theories... Ben is one step ahead of everything and is where he wants to be because he goes back and forth in time. Ben sent the therapist to find Juliette by time travel Also, the person on the boat would probably be more of a shocker than Michael, I could be wrong here but I think it would have to be more shocking for Locke since Ben told him to sit down. I'm thinking it could be 1 of 2 things... if they are playing the time travel game... Ben could say to Locke "my man on the boat is YOU" if they're going to go there. So if they DO go there, all bets are off. if they DO go THERE, then my vote is that it's Locke's dad, because that'd be a shocker.
  10. Thank you!! Most of the shots are straight out of camera. Some shots the levels/curves were bumped up to bring out the color better, but other than that it's the settings I used in the camera... f/stop, iso, aperture, etc.
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