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  1. Maybe if the rides are broken down, they would transfer the roller coasters from other six flags to that one
  2. It's not the video card, it's a glitch in the game... lemme get the website for the download... http://www.atari.com/us/support/newfaq/rollercoastertycoon3.php?browser=1&pageDisplay=DOWNLOADS Choose your computer and then choos whatever update(s)
  3. Just two things, how could the fake butt fall off when your sitting besides a stand-up? Also, I wonder if the fake leg ever hit somebody when it fell off mid-ride... Lol!!!
  4. I'm looking for game videos, you know games you made... It's to help me and other people who don't want to look through the game section for coasters you made or parks you made...
  5. I'm looking for game videos, you know games you made... It's to help me and other people who don't want to look through the game section for coasters you made or parks you made...
  6. If you have a video, please post it because it is too hard to look at ALL of the forums to find videos. I know I am lazy but, I like watching your videos! So if you could please send videos I would love it! I don't care whether they are parks, coasters, etc. Please!!!
  7. Also... Is there a place in Soaked! where you get to jump of cliffs into water? If not that would be kewlios!
  8. Other things I would like to see are... 1.) In Sim Roller Coaster you get to control your peep and press a button to ride the ride. 2.) Like in NoLimits, you get to be the operator on the coaster! (First they have to advance the way they get on the coaster, lines for rows, little room for operators, etc.) Or you get to be a security guard, Handyman, etc. 3.)More INVERSIONS!!!! Be cool, Randall 8)
  9. How do you make that type of scenery like that? the mario shapes and the tunnel, the blocks, etc.
  10. Sorry I wrote it twice, but the quote thing won't work for me... and pucechan wrote the first paragraph
  11. Sorry I wrote it twice, but the quote thing won't work for me...
  12. That would be cool with lifegaurds surrounding the pool
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