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About kelmikey

  • Birthday 03/10/1964

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    Birmingham UK
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  1. We went to Cypress Gardens on the middle Sunday of our annual Florida jaunt in September. Not sure what to expect as we hadn't been before. Totally enjoyed it. It is what I imagine a trip to a park would have been like in the fifties, family friendly fun, and a wonderful contrast to the cash cow that is Orlando. Nice to finish with a dip in the pool. Really liked the woodies and echo the sentiments above regarding re-rides.
  2. Came across this link http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=19387 Anybody seen this before or know where it is?
  3. Its a 10 meg download, 3 parts to the game, first 2 give you some online disney token things, but you have to complete part 3 to get the photo voucher. Took about 20 minutes start to finish. Point and click style adventure, harmless fun.
  4. Thought I would share the following extracted (stolen) from thedibb.co.uk website. If you go to the site http://www.disneyeverest.com/ and download the game there, you can win a free expedition everest ride photo valid until the end of September 2006. Enjoy. (and apologies if this has a thread elsewhere). I have mine printed off for our trip to WDW in September!
  5. I cannot go on any ride that spins you round and round, not a carousel nor a playground wheel, makes me feel too much beer room spinny nauseous. The only reason I went on M:S was because I didn't realise that there was a centrifuge involved. Came off it looking a little paler than I usually do, needed to sit down and regroup my mind for a bit. But you can't criticise the owners for not warning you. I haven't ever been on a ride where there are more warnings about the consequences of what is about to happen. I hope they leave it alone.
  6. Watched, laughed, felt the pain...! A thought occurs, I recall a photo from an Alvey Euro Trip (Wild und Freitzeit Park Klotten in Germany) where there was a user operated ride with a splash zone at the bottom, a la Barnes Wallace bouncing bomb. What this ride needs is a pool to launch into.
  7. When I was 18 I went to Blackpool Pleasure Beach. Someone thought it would be fun to go on a rickety wooden ride that tried really hard to throw me out. Scared the bejeezus out of me. Never again I vowed. So, 20 odd years later I meet the love of my life whose favourite place on earth is WDW in Florida, and therefore the destination for our honeymoon. I needed to practice and plucked up the courage to ride Nemesis, Oblivion and the rest at Alton Towers. Life defining moments. WDW in Florida is the greatest place on earth, so we are coming back again this year. So excited! Great site, long may you continue.
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