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About ebtkid

  • Birthday 01/16/1995

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  1. This is really amazing!! On a creepy side note, one of my best friends, well his name is Michael May. And another friends dad's name is Jeff King.
  2. This looks really good. I feel that this will turn out great!
  3. AMAZING! I love the Sly Trilogy, I play them all the time. The way you construct your buildings and your attention to detail is amazing. Keep it up.
  4. Shockwave's pretty good. It has airtime in the back. Judge is a classic. So are the mine trains (Mine Train & Mini Mine Train). TH is pretty similar to the one @ MoA. Superman is awesome. So is Polty and Tony Hawk.
  5. Frisco is awesome. They've got and IKEA and the Frisco Roughriders (feeder team to Rangers) within a mile. We've got Sandy Lake, Six Flags, and a new Great Wolf Lodge. Plus - we've got Fort Worth Stock Show in January, the State Fair in September, and the North Texas State Fair & Rodeo (Denton) in August. Also, there are some really good schools in the area, public and private. Hope you like Texas. You will find that we say "y'all" a lot.
  6. You're not the only one who forgets about the rides. Awesome job!
  7. ^^ Yes you are right. http://www.rcdb.com/id1824.htm That's a roller coaster called Rodelbaan in the Netherlands that was built in the 30's.
  8. Calaway Park? EDIT: I remember reading about a Canadian park with 1 coaster called Sable (something like that) Beach Amusement (or Amusements - I can't remember.) So is it Sable Beach Amusement(s)?
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