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Everything posted by andrea_loves_daisies

  1. The drop is only 72 feet so I am going to say the Phoenix at Knoebels. If it's too high then the Rollo Coaster at Idlewild. They are both awesome!
  2. I think it is a great ride and really enjoyed it last month. It was more smooth than I can ever remember it being. Sadly, Dorney has managed to get rid of all my favorite rides, Journey to the Center of the Earth, The Flying Dutchman, the rotating glass maze, the traver rocket and the Iceburg or whatever it was called.
  3. I think Fahrenheit was great. Had a great time with the ERT that day. I am usually impatient so I hate to wait but after riding, I will NEVER mind the wait. Great update Hanno, especially since you caught my side profile on your last picture. My pictures are on my site.
  4. HI!!!! My name is Andrea and my hometown parks are Knoebels, Hershey, Dorney and the late great Williams Grove! I met up with TPR in Hershey in August and met some really great people, and a few that scared me too.... The most memorable person I met whom I have not kept in touch with is Eli! Where are you Eli? We had Intamin sex we rode Lightning together and then you dump me! Augh the humanity! As far as how many coasters I have ridden.... I really don't know. I have to count. My ultra cheesy site is coastergal.com and will be getting new updates soon. BTW on 10/18/2008 a group of us from Hershey are meeting at Dorney. If anyone would like to join us let me know. Hope to hear from someone soon as I lead a rather boring life. Hugs!
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