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magnum xl-200

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Everything posted by magnum xl-200

  1. People who wear scarves are just hiding the fact they have no necks.
  2. Cool Layout, put down some custom supprots and put in some really cool scenery and you've got a great coaster! _______________________ Liam.
  3. That looks really compact and s**t scary so... yeah i want to ride it.
  4. and i can't wait for the B&M floorless, it sounds great though it would have to be longer than 4210ft to be the largest floorless.
  5. That place is amazing and its getting better, i hope they don't take down the B&M Mega coaster, it may be going rough but each park needs a rough coaster. _________________________ Liam.
  6. i wonder if animals could be racist to each other like a lion being racist to a tiger, hmm...... ______________________ Liam.
  7. i've been to Lightwater Valley today. i went on the Ultimate 6 times and the 1st half was great and full of airtime but the 2nd half was almost as painful as a Togo yet it was fun, i also scraped away the skin on my leg after crashing on the skate kart things. im in pain.
  8. have ever had a serious operation on your body
  9. The roller coaster from final destination 3 is just a clone of the Corkscrew at Alton Towers.
  10. On RCT3 Wild you Can put up BillBoards with images of saved Pictures on your computer.
  11. Damn you were one minute faster than me
  12. Yes, Next week. Are you a Axe - Wielding, Homicidal, Manic?
  13. Hi, Robb. Can you make the coasterchat on the chatroom any earlier? Because i wanted to join last night but it would have been 3 o clock in the morning and i can't stay upthate late waiting for the coasterchat to start. please reply. Bye. ___________________ Liam.
  14. oh yeah and HOW COULD THEY TAKE OUT THE MINE TRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVED THAT RIDE, IT LOOKED SO COOL, AND WELL THEMED. B******'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. im speachless, i read the whole thing and in my opinion i think that has got to be the best, most awsome, well- thought up, greatly themed with excellent scenery, collest park i ve ever seen!!!!!!!!! you should get an award for that, it's the best park ever and hershey should think about making that park for real and if they did i would go to hawaii and buy a house right next to it, so i don't have sit in traffic trying to get there. this has also got to be my longest ever post. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! _______________________ Liam.
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