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Posts posted by Calvin

  1. maybe your jsut relaly skinny, or maybe the op did'nt staple you. Okay I got a tiny float but it's not enough to call airtime. and WTF is SOL?


    Firstly, TPR has a spell check...USE IT.


    Secondly, Being skinny has nothing to do with it. My 6'2 friend was getting airtime and he is very moderately sized. And we were even stapled. Airtime is clearly any point on the ride when the vertical G's of the coaster drop to 0 or below. Just because its not ejector air does not disqualify it from being airtime.


    I am sure if Rob Alvey called it airtime, you all would be bending over for him and agreeing with him. There is airtime on Chiller and the new transition did bring down the intensity of the ride, but in the end, Chiller still rocks.


    Then obviously being fat has nothing to do with it because I recall you said I must be fat or SOL (what ever that means). I realize it doesn't have to be like toro to be airtime I want to know exactly where you sat so i'll sit there tomorrow and see if I get "airtime". I sat front row on the left and I got nothing.


    SOL: Sh*t Outta Luck.


    By the way, I've found that different people feel airtime differently. To some people, floater air is insanely intense, and to others, floater air is about as exciting as sitting down. So it might just depend on how you feel airtime.

  2. Scrap the stupid thing.


    They can't scrap it, it looks like a penis!


    Perhaps the fact that it's a sort of prototype has something to do with it? And the brakes on the spike are to trim speed in case it launches too fast. Wow, I didn't really contribute anything here.


    Yes you did! You made me feel like less of a blonde because now I know I am not the only one that thinks it looks like a penis



    When I first saw it I thought, "Now there's a phallic object". By the way, the they-can't-take-it-down-it's-a-penis thing is a horrible in-joke having to do with a shrub some guy had on its front lawn. A bunch of people got up-in-arms about it, and this led to jokes about it.

  3. I've seen it twice, once in the regular theater and once in




    , both times with my dad who really wanted to see it twice, so we did.


    It's pretty good. Not like, super-amazing-holy-crap-best-movie-ever, but pretty good. Up there with, say, Sin City.

  4. I am not a big Hillary fan and it is not because she is a woman, its her ideas. A lot of people (my mom included) are going to vote for Hillary because she is a women which is a wrong reason. Mit Rooney is my choice because he is against amnesty which is the biggest problem in southern California. McCain is who I think will win but he is going to give illegal immigrants amnesty which makes me mad.


    Well, the issue here is that if you vote against Hillary, then you're sort of trying to stop America from having a female president, and this might make you feel guilty, but if you vote for her just to get a female into the presidency, then you're going against your morals, if you don't like her politics.


    Or something. I don't know if that's a good way to put it...

  5. I'm picturing a "Busom Buddies" moment here. A man desperate to have a swim during ladies' night at the pool dressed up like a woman. Wacky comedy follows!


    Or, as the Netflix blurb would say, "Wacky hi-jinx ensue!"


    As for women's only: sure. I don't really see what's wrong with it. Then again, if it's a public pool...well, it's already been said.

  6. This thread makes me wonder how screwed up the society of tomorrow will be, what with middle schoolers going seriously anorexic, high schoolers who weigh 500 pounds, college freshmen with anxiety and depression because they can't deal with the real world due to their "bubble" childhood...


    OK dude that it is not what this thread is about.


    This thread is not "philosophize about obesity in American and how we suck".


    There was a whole another part of the post there, but I think I deleted it (I copy my posts right before I submit them, I must have hit the delete button somewhere along the way; it's happened before, trust me). That part of the post was actually commenting on Rocker_Dude's post.


    Anyways, forget it ever happened.


    Found out yesterday I'm down to 295 from 320, back in September. Sort of a shock, because I didn't think I'd been losing that much. Good for me, I guess. I've been eating a lot of sushi lately and drinking those Odwallas. I've also just been eating less in general, that, and our PE class now goes to Gold's Gym on block days, which means an hour of treadmill w/ iPod. Fresno isn't what I'd call "jogger-friendly", in fact, it's practially jogger-hostile, especially for people with allergies and asthma, so it's nice to be able to jog indoors.

  7. This thread makes me wonder how screwed up the society of tomorrow will be, what with middle schoolers going seriously anorexic, high schoolers who weigh 500 pounds, college freshmen with anxiety and depression because they can't deal with the real world due to their "bubble" childhood...

  8. For some reason, this doesn't work when trying to find spoons. *buh dum tish*


    Bonadelle Neighborhoods just put up a big sign on a building near my house. I should steal it.


    We really need to clean our house. And around our house. In the side yard we have two broken screen doors (damn 98 pound dog), about fourty pieces of wood that would probably burst into flame if you waved a magnifying glass over them, some weirdly damp railroad ties (what), and metal desk on a couch with a bunch of cardboard boxes on them on the back porch. I'd say we're only a couple torn oil-stained Looney Tunes shirts away from being Fresno Hicks (special breed).


    And yes, that was a Matrix reference.


    Was this post written in some code that only Fresnoians can understand??




    Bloop bloop blorp.


    Actually, no, that post was sort of a collection of thoughts. In order: A Matrix joke, a Bonadelle joke (in Ryan's report he steals a Bonadelle sign), a list of crap in our backyard, a Fresno Hicks joke (female Fresno hicks, and hicks everywhere, tend to wear godawful Looney Tunes shirts), and then I tell you that yes, that was indeed a Matrix reference.




    There is no Matrix reference.

  9. ^ Yes, but it's a random rock


    I know finding your own random rock must be difficult..

    1. Walk outside.

    2. Find a rock.



    For some reason, this doesn't work when trying to find spoons. *buh dum tish*


    Bonadelle Neighborhoods just put up a big sign on a building near my house. I should steal it.


    We really need to clean our house. And around our house. In the side yard we have two broken screen doors (damn 98 pound dog), about fourty pieces of wood that would probably burst into flame if you waved a magnifying glass over them, some weirdly damp railroad ties (what), and metal desk on a couch with a bunch of cardboard boxes on them on the back porch. I'd say we're only a couple torn oil-stained Looney Tunes shirts away from being Fresno Hicks (special breed).


    And yes, that was a Matrix reference.

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