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Posts posted by almightyfire

  1. Well I am sure there are a lot of things here to do but if u have traveled as much as some people have, this isn't like California or Florida. This is truly a business/convention town. The Galleria is our biggest Mall worth possibly going to but I doubt that anyone who is coming here for the taping is going to be impressed with H-town. Now if you want to move here then yes, this is the only major city where you can get a 4500 sq.ft home for $200,000.00.

  2. No they wont notice or they will. Dont underestimate the general public. The Batman Ride is a good ride but after 2 or 3 initial rides it isnt worth standing inline for because it is extremely short and most of Texans have gone to all SF parks and they will notice once they get in the parking lot. They wont know because it will be marketed as a completely new ride. So at least we will get a few new people for one time.

  3. Shapiro needs to travel to parks in Europe and Japan and get ideas. It appears that they bought a few coasters and put the names in a hat and had a drawing to see what park was gonna get what. It is cheaper not to theme the coasters at all and put them there. People keep saying that SF wasnt intended to be destinations spots but why not. I would travel to anypark if it had something unusual to get me there. I have traveled all over the US to go to parks and I would go to SFSTL if it had something different. I have ridden Mr Freeze and Tony Hawk in Texas already, but I do have the desire to ride Boss, but I wont go there just to ride one ride.

  4. I just still think all of the coasters should have been put in different parks. The Dark Ride should have been at SFFT Tony Hawk at SFGA and SFMM The woodie at a park that doesnt really have one. The name is stupid but none of Six Flags makes sense to me this year.


    Also where exactly is this ride going? I dont know where that section is. It would have been nice if they purchased some extra track and added on to the ride to make it longer, taller and faster.

  5. I thoroghly enjoyed the Tony Hawk. The word family is thrown around a lot. It would have been better to make it like the one I think in New England called Pandemonion, now dont quote me on that. I havent read one post on here saying it shouldnt have been a smaller scaled coaster, but the beef is that it shouldnt have been a clone. Thats all.`I love Wild Mouse rides. My favorite ride at SFOT has always and will always be the Runaway mine train and my favorite ride at Magic Mountain is actually the goldrusher. So i am not an opponent to smaller scaled rides just stop the cloning. I have always made that clear throughout this post. One of the rides that is on the top of my to do list is the Expedition ride at DisneyWorld. Hell it is my number one after Voyage. What makes the quote unquote FAMILY PARKS attract more attention is theming. Kids are very visual and are drawn to loud colors and fantasy. So am I and Six Flags has never spent monies on this. That is my biggest problem with Cedar Point. So I am all for a new wild mouse just make it different with different elements. Heck they are even calling it the same thing. Again stupid decision.

  6. The people who are opposed to it aren't saying it isn't good that a new ride is being built, we are saying it could have been something else. The reason Sf went into bankruptcy wasn't because of building big rides it was because of taking on too much responsibility from buying other parks. It is stupid to even think that someone is saying that build a coaster even though it isn't in the budget, we are just saying for the amt of money that was spent on this ride it could have been something different instead of a total clone. Now I know good and well my point does make some sense. I did say that in my initial first post about how dumb dumb dumb this decision is. This doesn't make any business or financial sense at all. The whole purpose of having parks close together is to give the residents that are close a reason to come there. People in Houston drive to both parks all the time even when we had one because ours was really weak, but we had a reason to travel to both parks for a little vacation. Now SFOT has other rides there that SFFT doesn't but we have all ridden them over and over and a new ride is supposed to respark interest. Now that wont happen if people have lost interest in SFOT (as I have) and they went to SFFT this past season and rode the TONY HAWK ride. It is nothing wrong with a smaller scaled ride but it needs to be different. I refuse to use the word family ride because no matter what SF does it still isnt gonna compete with what is going on in Florida. Again this is a dumb dumb dumb decision.

  7. What did that suppose to mean am i really 44 and act my age? I act my age and I will say again that this is a dumb decision. I didnt insult anyone I made a statement about how dumb this was and that was totally uncalled for. It has been too long since SFOT has gotten a coaster. Hell they just added about 8 family rides 2 years ago. Again no one runs to a park like SFOT looking for kiddie rides. Six million dollars is too much for this carnival ride because that is what the wild mouse is.

  8. this is the most stupid idea i have ever seen. why would u put the same coaster 2 hrs away from another park. i live near both parks and i go to both and i would have no need to if they have the same thing. i would go to both parks times a yr and i spend money in both. i cant believe this little baby coaster costs 6 million dollars. hell they could have had a woodie like boardwalk bullet for that price.


    what a waste


    this coaster isnt gonna make any more people run to the park that wouldnt have in the first place. No one ran to SFFT because of tony hawk this year.

  9. I hate that this park is closing. I actually enjoyed it more that Cedar Point when SF had it. Villain became one of my top 10 coasters and the Batman was in my top 10 also. I didnt understand why Cedar Fair bought this park when they had Cedar Point down the street. I see this was in the plans long ago. I dont see them moving Villian anywhere because it will be too hard to reassemble it somewhere else. U might as well buy new wood and start all over it isnt like a steel coaster where u take it down and reattach it.

  10. Its strange that this coaster is taking so long to load. I've only ridden it once when it first opened and the load times were fast, what made it slow down? The fastest load times I have ever seen was on Jurassic Park at USH. They are telling u while u are in line to move over to the farthest part of the seat and the ride ops are hustling. There is no excuse in todays time with all of the computerized features on rides that a train cant be loaded in under 2 mins. All you do is sit down and pull the dayum bar down and click a seatbelt if there is one. All any ride has to do is to hurry the people off, then hurry them on, run and check the restraints and get that darn train out of there. It can be done but they aren't telling the guest waiting to get prepared and move expeditiously into ur seat and secure urself. You can put that on the recording that plays while u r waiting in line. There is no excuse for 2 trains to be in the station. Same with Tatsu. Tatsu is self loading. If everyone moves their buns and gets off and the gates immediately open it also can load in under 2 mins.

  11. Every park needs a hyper coaster. I have been at parks where kids were trying to get on the hypers and they started crying because when they got to the top with their families and were measured they barely made it and couldnt ride. It is a BIG myth that families are not attracted to big thrilling rides. Remember the kiddies still need to grow into another coaster besides the bugs bunny ride and a family doesnt stop being a family because the kids get over 48 inches high.

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