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Posts posted by almightyfire

  1. i was one of the people who bought a lot of shares this past beginning of the summer. I have lost over 1/2 of my money but i still think it will resurface when the next season starts. the whole dow jones took a fall the other day and of course six flags is gonna be in the fold. i am confident it will bounce back and if and when it gets back to 7 dollars i willl sell but anyone would be stupid not to buy now. How many of u throw away $500.00 on shopping in a mths time? All of us, so buy u some stock now and trust me u will double ur money by next june.

  2. I have always flown to different amusement parks to ride the coasters. This is the first site I have ever joined and I have been on here for about a year or so and I just recently started seeing the word credit or actually paid attention to it. It was 3 mths ago when I realized what it was and I still didnt know truly what it meant until this thread. I have never even counted the number of coasters I have ridden I have just kinda remembered which ones, as the in names, that I have ridden. So I guess for me it's kinda a no brainer, for ME, to ride a coaster that wont turn me on. Hell I have gone to Magic Mountain and have walked past a coaster because the line is too long like Deja Vu and I really wanted to ride that one. Well the line wasnt that long they just were loading too slow.

  3. No I am using the right words and the customer service was always good even before he got there. Out grown means it is time to move up to something more thrilling. Yes u can outgrow a type of coaster and it is time to move up to a bigger and more thrilling one. That is why parks go bigger, because no matter what anyone thinks, Six Flags success has been because of THRILLS no FRILLS. Six Flags went down because of over spending on buying parks not building big coasters. Rides and amusements are like a drug. The more u use it the lesss high u become so u have to move to the next high.


    I see u r young and in 10 yrs if ur home park that u visit 10 times a year doesnt upgrade u also will be looking for something different. If a park doesnt get something unique eventually it will lose patrons and lose money. It takes money to make money.

  4. My sisters and I took their kids to SFFT today and it was a total waste of time. I guess we all have outgrown it. My nephews are 14,13 and 10 and we all are coaster enthusiasts but none of us had a good time. The kids were ready to go after 20 mins and we drove from Houston. The park was kinda light and was getting more crowded as we left. We rode The Roadrunner which is a total bore now, then on to Rattler which is no fun anymore since the style of woodies have changed. After riding the Boardwalk Bullet and El Toro, this thing is a total bore. Not rough at all, just nothing happening. Then on to Superman. This is still a good floorless but after riding it over and over again for 8 years, it looses its excitement. We were all just riding and not even smiling. Then on to Tony Hawk. It is a cheap thrown together carnival style coaster. Not even as good as the basic wild mouse. It was fun but over too quick. Then we went over to Poltergeist. Same reaction. So our attitudes were "BEEN THERE DONE THAT". My nephews said that they dont want a pass for next year because they have outgrown it. So in a nutshell, kids do grow up and graduate to bigger and more thrilling rides. We all love Magic Mountain and the kids are dying to go. They now are ready for some real coasters. The only way a park is gonna last now is to always put something fresh and new and actually more thrillling every year to get people to come back. The main reason Six Flags attendance is down is because of lack of new things. Adults with money will still take their families to the parks if they have rides that grow with them. SFFT is a family park and always has been but it is time to come on with a thrilling ride because it is really becoming boring and tired. Now this is not just the adults saying this, the kids started the conversation not us. GOLIATH isnt gonna do it either.


    Also we noticed that a lot of the rides needs a major paint job. Poltergeist is just visually horrible and rusted. Superman, Boomerang and a whole lot of other rides are extremely faded. There was a lot of grass growing where it shouldnt have been. This is the first time I have been and seen it looking kinda run down.


    rides I give a 4

    Customer Service I give a 9


    The load times were perfect and this is the first time I have seeen all 3 trains on The Rattler.

    I dont think Shapiro is doing that good of a job IN MY OPINION.

  5. Well the most I have ridden this coaster in one night, which I usually go from 8 to 10pm, is 24 times. I have never left with a bruise at all. Now my neck was sore for about a couple of hrs, but when I woke up, it was totally gone. Maybe its because I never hold my hands up and brace myself. I don't see how enjoyable being slammed around and hitting the person next to me can be.


    I never knew why people hold their hands up on a coaster anyway. I am not being funny but I have never understood that. Can someone give me some insight. Is it the perception of being free and can fly out at any moment?

  6. Well the most I have ridden this coaster in one night, which I usually go from 8 to 10pm, is 24 times. I have never left with a bruise at all. Now my neck was sore for about a couple of hrs, but when I woke up, it was totally gone. Maybe its because I never hold my hands up and brace myself. I don't see how enjoyable being slammed around and hitting the person next to me can be.


    I never knew why people hold their hands up on a coaster anyway. I am not being funny but I have never understood that. Can someone give me some insight. Is it the perception of being free and can fly out at any moment?

  7. Well the most I have ridden this coaster in one night, which I usually go from 8 to 10pm, is 24 times. I have never left with a bruise at all. Now my neck was sore for about a couple of hrs, but when I woke up, it was totally gone. Maybe its because I never hold my hands up and brace myself. I don't see how enjoyable being slammed around and hitting the person next to me can be.


    I never knew why people hold their hands up on a coaster anyway. I am not being funny but I have never understood that. Can someone give me some insight. Is it the perception of being free and can fly out at any moment?

  8. IMO the park was still too small. It was new and there wasnt a single ride there that wasnt at any other SF park to make me wanna even stop there passing through. All parks are destination places if they have enough attractions and not the leftovers from other parks. SFNO was a sorry tired park like SF Astroworld. Each year SF had the park I was hoping that something was added that would make me wanna drive down for a weekend, but nothing was ever added worth driving to even if i lived there.

  9. There are any bad coasters there. It depends on what YOU like as far as types of coasters. For me Colossus is the last one to stand in line for. I actually love Revolution and Goldrusher, but my advice would be for you to RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN to X first and then Tatsu because these aret he two most popular have to rides there. Once u have gotten those out of the way I would go to Deja Vu next because if you run there first, you will waste time because enough people arent in that part of the park yet and they are gonna make you wait until the train fillls up.


    Now for me Panada Express is the best choice for food.

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