^That's a good idea if you want to get the full experience of each coaster... but I feel that on some if you sit smack in the middle, you get the best of both worlds... it depends on the intensity you want. Also, if you want to ride on the front or back row for some of the more popular ones... expect there to be a long wait, because they fill up really quickly. So if you want to do both front/back row, decide on which you'll do first in the morning. For example, if you do the front row in the morning, do the back in the evening, and vice versa. (If you are really feeling like switching things up, just do one in the front and then one in the back). It is rare for SFGADV to be less than full because of the proximity of the park to the nearby cities (not to mention the somewhat decreasing economy). So get the early, (before opening) and have a good plan of attack as to which coaster you tackle first... when I went back in 2006, my friends and I did the coasters in this fashion: Nitro (when the park first opens, guaranteed front row or back row), El Toro (near front is a good possibility), Kingda Ka (by this time there is a two hour wait... imo, it's not really worth to wait that long... so either tackle that first or later in the day, Medusa, Skull Mountain (the others ones were already well filled by then... so as long as you plan your time out, you should be fine! Have fun if/when you do go!