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Everything posted by Coastermaster

  1. Donnerstenen in Avonturenpark Hellendoorn, Netherlands. Cool Kiddie-Coaster, but a little bit short.
  2. Tests begin. http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=PCjFEcCzvq4
  3. Troy and USA??? I think, the netherlands are in europe.
  4. I was on this Cool&Fresh a view years ago in Crange. The only thing I can say is, horrible. At this time, the coaster was fresh, but not cool. If anybody will see this coaster in the future, don't ride it. Blue marks on your body are garanteed.
  5. The Song is "Wadde Hadde Dudde Da" from Stefan Raab.
  6. More Pics from the Opening Day can you find here: http://www.coaster-fans.de/thread.php?threadid=1266&sid=
  7. A nice Flash animation you can find here: http://www.coasterindex.com/specials/talocan.zip
  8. Yesterday the G'sengte Sau in Tripsdrill with ERT and Views behind the Scenes
  9. Layout: http://www.dn.se/DNet/road/Classic/article/12/jsp/flframeset.jsp?a=617843&d=1298&redirectTo=/content/1/c6/61/78/43/GL.swf&mediaType=flash&mediaFile=GL.swf
  10. Here is my small video from our 2-Day Event in the Europa Park in Germany. http://www.r-c-t.de/Downloads/Video/EP2006.zip ATARI Deutschland was sponsoring this event. We had 2 ERT's. One for half an hour on SilverStar and 1 on EuroSat with light. Also there was a discussion round with Miro Gronau (Event Manager Europa Park). On Saturday, some of us planed a challenge, where you must do interactive tasks and find points in the park. It was a wonderful WE with beautiful weather and a lot of crazy peoples. Task of the Challenge-Make a funny pic The result of the crazy pic. Fjord Rafting-Sometimes really wet. We had luck. Gladiator-The Show, that kills Atlantica-Super Splash. Really wet Silverstar, our ERT Coaster SilverStar in the back-in front EuroSat, our second ERT. The groupe on sunday.
  11. Last year, we made our first adventcalender in RCT3. I produce a video as an Best of.. Video. It is a kermis and we made everey day one attraktion as a door to open. Someone interested to see the project? It was made in flash.
  12. I made an video with kingfuzzi from Onride.de. It is a mix of real and RCT3. This is the result: http://www.r-c-t.de/Downloads/Video/Superman_the_Ride-real-RCT3.rar Hope, you like it.
  13. Here is my first RCT3-video I made. http://www.r-c-t.de/Downloads/Video/CoasterLimit.zip Hope you enjoy it. There are some little mistakes in the video, but I can not remove them, because the raw material of the video is gone.
  14. The last pics looks better than the first. Try to build more windows in the walls and make decoration there. Also use the wooden supports by the woody.
  15. We are proudly presents you the first Custom User Objects Database (short CSO Database). If you have some ideas to make it better, post it here. If you are a CSO-Creator please contact us at flightsurf@rct-online.com or coastermaster@rct-online.com. Here´s the link! http://cso.rct-online.com/
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