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About Mustangman55

  • Birthday 02/23/1994

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  1. Thanks for another kind reply I appreciate both of your responses. I will look at Ohio weather over the next few days and see as I haven’t paid attention. Only heard second hand. Unfortunately middle of the week June 17-20 appears to be completely booked up besides the crazy expensive suite. I’ve thought about going the week after but then that’s probably more crowds and hotter. I will also think about going the dates Prozac suggested as that may fit the bill. If I knew crowds would be almost identical I’d definitely do the dates you guys are suggesting. You seem to be a local how different would first week be most likely? Health also may get in the way so I really appreciate you understanding that. I really wish I could wave my magic wand and make Cedar point stay open until 10 that first week. Also apologies if I’m kind of asking the same things twice or wanting more details. I’m just that kind of OCD person that loves every little detail. I don’t mean to be daft Thank you.
  2. That is an extremely compelling argument. And I do agree about FL. It would be nice not to pay but like you said I may not be back for quite some time. In fact that’s quite likely. Can I ask why you say Sun-Tuesday instead of the middle of the week? Also I take it you mean I should arrive at the park Saturday 6/15 and then enjoy those three full days. I guess for me it’s going to come down to heat and crowds. Just how much worse would the crowd & heat be on those dates vs the beginning? I know fast lane is awesome but I have seen people say that in the busy times FL can still be a decently long wait. I know you’re not a magic genie that can predict the future perfectly obvi(thinking out loud). And I’m guessing Top Thrill 2 isn’t going to help matters lol. I think I’d rather go earlier and balance out the crowds but I’m definitely taking your opinion into account. I also have some very recent health crap that could actually push me to go those days you recommend anyway. I’m hoping to ride my heart out. Thanks for the response!
  3. Hey there all! Apologize if this is posted in the wrong area of the forum but I saw another thread asking for trip advice and wanted to shoot my shot to the experts. Looks like health permitting I will finally be going to cedar point this summer! Yay! And to top it off I will get 3 full days at the park and a stay at the breakers(which I’m told is an awesome and very convenient experience). There is one factor I just can’t decide on and that’s what week I should go. Person I’m going with says first week of June would be good because the crowds will be lower. But there’s a caveat. The park closes at 8 that week and it isn’t until later in the month that it stays open until 11pm. I have also been told Ride Ops will be slower/worse the earlier you go. A local told me you run the risk of more stuff having downtime. The cons of going later in June(18-20)will certainly mean it is more crowded but by how much? Like would the crowds offset the increased hours because that means longer lines? Another local told me it would be way hotter and to definitely go early JUNE to skip the heat and people. I don’t do well in heat. So that’s two different opinions from locals haha! It also doesn’t help that I’m very indecisive because of my OCD and this is a dream trip for me. I want to “get it right” so to speak. A few things to note I know fast lane will be expensive but I have prepared to buy it either dates so that is a non issue. Unless the park was a ghost town I have read enough good things about FL here and other places. I am the kind of person who wants to ride every coaster in the park and ride multiple times based on how much I like the ride. If I wanna ride Maverick 20 times I will do it lol. And night rides might be really neat. But if early June is really less crowded and much cooler I think I would probably prefer that. As long as the ops aren’t bad (I know nobody can guarantee me anything here). But those elusive night rides sound fun! Anyway I would really appreciate any thoughts you all can add to this discussion. Carowinds is my home park but I’ve never ventured out further because of health issues. I’m really hoping this will work out.
  4. Nice video! Still can’t get over how great that color scheme looks on that ride(atleast in my personal opinion). If it rains hard enough on a ride they might as well give me a bar of soap to take up there with me. Two birds one stone. Definitely a good excuse for me to visit Japan one day. Have a great weekend everyone
  5. If this ride is ever built I’ll be convinced I’ve already died and gone to heaven! LOL! It really looks that great. Also it would be awesome for people who live in a different country to have something so crazy in their “back yard” in a sense. Not everyone has the same travel opportunities so I always root for more and more awesome rides being built around the world. It genuinely makes me smile to think about new people becoming coaster addicts across the world Thanks for sharing the gorgeous concept art guys! Wasn’t even aware this was being talked about. The art looks ambitious to say the least(not even counting the ride). Good day to everyone as always
  6. I have a feeling the color scheme will look even better in person! Love the location, the layout is cool as hell and pretty unique. Big congratulations to those who have Kings Island as their home Park. Kings island was already on my to do list but now I’m very glad I waited! Stoked!
  7. Is Fantastic Beasts really that popular? I feel like most people I know who are Potter fans are quite “meh” on those films. I don’t see that franchise being “theme park land worthy” in any way. Definitely not theme park worthy. Especially at the moment. The thing about Fantastic beasts is that we still have three films to go. The first was received okay and the 2nd pretty badly to meh by fans(from my personal experience). So we have no idea if the next three films will leave any kind of legacy that would warrant huge attractions imo. Although I could see a ride or small area based solely on the beasts that would be lovely for the kids. Edit: it’s worth noting I am a grumpy old Harry Potter fan that is old school and set in my ways . So my opinion may be out of touch with the actual consensus.
  8. Did we watch the same video!??!? The indoor tank section is like a lesser immersive version than Orlando's Kong or Supercharged and those rides are already underwhelming. And the main indoor section was just a mess. No real story or anything and just random stuff everywhere with a bad looking new dinosaur animatronic at the end. I would honestly question anyone's "opinion" who would rather have a bunch of TV screens and water sprays than a practical set with real animatronics. "Awesome" or "incredible" are absoultely not words I would imagine many people using to describe this re-do.... I’m really shocked at how little the Indominus Rex actually has to do with the the indoor section of the ride. I expected the Rex and the Indominus to actually be squaring off in a epic way instead of just kinda staring at each other? It looks very “half baked” and random imo. The Indominus is a HUGE part of JW, but it feels slapped on. Random is a great word you used for the indoor section. Also in regards to the front gate missing I’m extremely confused as well. They could have easily had a gate that said “Jurassic Wolrd” instead of “Park”. As a big JP fan this doesn’t seem to have the same magic. To me it feels like they wanted to have it both ways. They wanted new stuff from JW, but they didn’t take the time and effort to actually make it cohesive in a way that made sense. On the other side of things they kept so much from JP that it feels like a odd hybrid. Identity crisis.
  9. Hi everyone! New member here. I lurk here from time to time whenever I want someone’s opinion on a ride. Or just old fashioned talk about upcoming stuff and speculation. My home Park is Carowinds and I’ve been to Disney world and Universal when I was pretty young(I’m 25 now). I’m looking forward to taking a trip to cedar point and knocking many parks off my bucket list when I get some health issues sorted out. But I figured why not join anyway? So hi there everyone! I look forward to discussing coasters and hearing trip reports from all you fine folks.
  10. I enjoyed your Hagrid video enough to finally make an account and start posting! Great videos and previews as always. As a huge Harry Potter fan I love that Hagrid is getting his own ride. The motorbike theme is so clever and I’ll definitely have to make a trip down there some day. Can’t wait to hear the impressions after you folks to get to ride it.
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