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Hi! I've been a coaster fan since I was a child (I'm 34 now). I didn't, however, get to ride my first coaster til I was in 12th grade (my parents forbid me to ride "anything like that"). My first was the Screamin' Eagle at SF MidAmerica (St. Louis). I don't get to ride that often, I'm always w/o funds so I've only been on 25 coasters (if I counted right) total. Not by choice mind you. I've been on hundreds in my dreams! I've ridden some more than once though. (It's easier to say which parks I've been to than counting coasters, lol). I live just outside of Houston, we just moved here & I was soooo xcited that we'd be near Astroworld then they closed it! UGH! I was soooo upset! At least we have Fiesta Texas & Dallas 6-flags to goto. I DID, however, make it to Astroworld last Oct. the second weekend before it closed. I made a special trip for that. I hope to visit a lot more parks in the future. I'm hoping at least 1 or 2 out of state parks a yr. I'll

be checking in here often. TTYS!

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