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TPR's 2020 Theme Park Trips! Apply NOW!

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Hello everyone!


As some of you may know, TPR has been doing more "private" theme park tours over the past few years, however we do still allow new people to join in on the fun! This year we have two international theme park trips we are doing and we have a handful of spaces on each if you are interested.


Unfortunately, we cannot take everyone so we have made this easy application process for people who are interested, and then you will be contacted later if you have been accepted on the trip.


**IMPORTANT** Only fill out the application if you are SERIOUSLY INTERESTED in one of our trips this year and would be ready to send in a deposit if you are accepted.


TPR Trip Application: https://forms.gle/aR9TaWcMzkH26TuH9


Here is some information about the two trips we are doing:


**TRIP #1**


"Weird Parks of Europe!"

(aka smaller parks we don't normally visit, plus a few of our bigger, favorite parks!)


June 18 - June 30, 2020


At least NINE Parks Included: Phantasialand, Europa, Plopsa De Panne, Bellewaerde, Tripsdrill, Klotten, Le Pal, Nigloland, Walibi Rhone- Alpes *Note a few of the smaller parks could change based on final operating schedules and ride announcements, also may add a bonus park!


Food, transportation, ERT, goodies, all of the awesome included stuff you've come to expect from us and always some surprises! Does NOT include airfare to the initial starting point of the trip.


Optional post trip add on to Disneyland Paris Resort!


Trip Cost - Approx: $4,500


$400 Deposit due now! Payment plans available. Non-Refundable, this trip is in four months!


**TRIP #2**


Asia Disney & More Tour!


Dec 20th, 2020 - Jan 4, 2021

Trip will start with Tokyo Disney Resort to enjoy their Christmas offerings. We will also be visiting Universal Osaka while in Japan to see the new Nintendo land and more!


Shanghai Disney and some Shanghai time for culture and/or credits.


Hong Kong time will include Disney, Ocean Park, and culture including New Years Eve which is a really cool celebration there.


Trip Cost - Around $6000


OMG, why is this trip so expensive??? THIS TRIP INCLUDES MULTIPLE INTERNAL AIRFARES and all of the normal trip stuff. ALL RESORT HOTELS! Park admissions, skip the line programs, and so much more! Does NOT include airfare to the initial starting point of the trip.


$600 Deposit due now! Refundable until April 15.


If you are interested in either one of these trips, fill out the application NOW:

TPR Trip Application: https://forms.gle/aR9TaWcMzkH26TuH9

Edited by robbalvey
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