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Wait Time Tracking

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I would love to be able to give inputs on dates/weather/etc to get a line estimate!


CoasterQueue.com has been a lifesaver for me. I noticed all the rides at SFOG said 5 minutes on Sunday (shockingly not busy) and I went to the park and enjoyed walk ons throughout the park!


One question, why is Goliath not coming up for SFOG on the site? I would find it hard to believe that the park doesn't report its line. It seems like a few coasters are missing.

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fuerstjh thanks for this, i couldnt even get the six flags app to report times in the park the other night.


I am a Dev/UI Designer as well, do you have a github setup to help improve the site? would also love to play with the data collected and get better stats for wait times and such based of time of year and best rotation of rides.


I have a git right now but its private. I could consider opening it up so for people to help with updates to the GUI and such. My biggest fear is that I'm hosting on google app engine at the moment so its not free. Pulling down the historical wait times right now costs me a couple dollars just due to the volume of database accesses. There may be a cheaper way to store the info but I haven't had time to look into it.


It may be possible to pull down a snapshot now and setup a canned environment for developers to test with though... let me look into this.

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I would love to be able to give inputs on dates/weather/etc to get a line estimate!


CoasterQueue.com has been a lifesaver for me. I noticed all the rides at SFOG said 5 minutes on Sunday (shockingly not busy) and I went to the park and enjoyed walk ons throughout the park!


One question, why is Goliath not coming up for SFOG on the site? I would find it hard to believe that the park doesn't report its line. It seems like a few coasters are missing.


I'll check it out. Its very possible I missed one. Most of the initial data for that was entered manually via a combination of Wikipedia and the parks websites. Let me know which ones specifically you have noticed and I'll add them. Even if the park doesn't report the times users can still submit them manually (although this method hasn't seen much use yet )

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I would love to be able to give inputs on dates/weather/etc to get a line estimate!


CoasterQueue.com has been a lifesaver for me. I noticed all the rides at SFOG said 5 minutes on Sunday (shockingly not busy) and I went to the park and enjoyed walk ons throughout the park!


One question, why is Goliath not coming up for SFOG on the site? I would find it hard to believe that the park doesn't report its line. It seems like a few coasters are missing.


I'll check it out. Its very possible I missed one. Most of the initial data for that was entered manually via a combination of Wikipedia and the parks websites. Let me know which ones specifically you have noticed and I'll add them. Even if the park doesn't report the times users can still submit them manually (although this method hasn't seen much use yet )



Batman The Ride

Superman Ultimate Flight


Major non-coaster rides:

Monster Mansion

Sky Screamer

Joker Chaos Coaster


(I wouldn't mind seeing rides like Thunder River in there too if that data is reported by the park. I assume most rides are reported)


Regardless, the coasters that are shown provide enough insight to judge the crowd, but I appreciate the effort to include all major rides!

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Batman The Ride

Superman Ultimate Flight


Major non-coaster rides:

Monster Mansion

Sky Screamer

Joker Chaos Coaster



The issue was actually a bug in my system with how I was uploading rides to the database... should be fixed now!

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I have a git right now but its private. I could consider opening it up so for people to help with updates to the GUI and such. My biggest fear is that I'm hosting on google app engine at the moment so its not free. Pulling down the historical wait times right now costs me a couple dollars just due to the volume of database accesses. There may be a cheaper way to store the info but I haven't had time to look into it.


It may be possible to pull down a snapshot now and setup a canned environment for developers to test with though... let me look into this.


i wouldn't mind helping to improve the gui and data collection, hell, i could even set this up on my AWS server to just collect the data as well. Actually, i could also just setup a local server to collect the data for a dev environment as well, not like i need a ton of data to make improvements. Docerize/Vagrant it so its easy to setup and go, canned environment really isnt a huge need for something like this.


What DB are you using, and how large is the database ATM? i know there is a cost to download but if it is less then a GB, it should be pennies to do so.


for improvements, Could easily incorporate hourly weather reports with the times, as well as holidays to track anomalies and such. im sure there are a few other data points that could be added to enhance the predictability. I would focus on my local park to get a good isolation for the times so that i could confirm predictions by visiting the park since i have a season pass.


send me a PM if you are willing to open up the git repo and i can send you my info.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi there,


I've actually been using six flags wait times API for a while now, and have data collected for Six Flags Over Texas going back to October 2015.


I wrote some data collection software in Java, and have been collecting data, but I've been too lazy to do much with it. I've learned quite a bit about the SixFlags API and would be willing to let you know what I've learned from it.


And if you'd like I'd be willing to give you a database dump of all the data I've collected, though it's unfortunately for only 1 park.


I've been looking into collecting weather data as well, and I've found that Weather Underground's API seems most promising. I believe I have an API key which can get historical weather data from them.


Here's a calendar graph which I've made with the data I've collected:


It's a little weird to look at, but I used Google's calendar chart to do it, and it works pretty well.


The main reason I've not shared it yet is because I worry about Six Flags not liking what I'm doing and making it harder for me to access the data (or removing wait times all together).

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The main reason I've not shared it yet is because I worry about Six Flags not liking what I'm doing and making it harder for me to access the data (or removing wait times all together).


Yeah I had the same concern as well but decided to take the risk. If you're willing to put in some work I don't think they could ever completely lock us out. There would always be the dirty option of an android emulator + gps spoofing software.


I've also looked into a couple weather API's for future use. Right now my tentative plan is to collect data over the summer months and start pulling in other sources of information over the winter in order to build a better forecaster for ride times. Once I get to that point getting your data for SFOT could be useful to see how much an additional year of data changes things.


I do like the UI you used to show the historical data though!

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I'm not sure if it has been mentioned yet, but if there was a way to utilize data from different sources and then find the median number of all the info, that could be helpful maybe? If that makes any sense? Lol. It does in my head.

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