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Randomman's RCT2 GCII Woodie Collection

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Jeez, I love making these things.

I'll post what I have now and I'll post more later, because I think I've decided that these are the only full size RCT2 coasters I'm decent at making.


I may post a .zip file containing the ride files if any of you are interested.


Applejack, a romp through an apple orchard. This is the only one of my rides that uses custom scenery. Also I swear to god I'm not a brony, this was named after the cereal.


Quite frankly I have no idea what I named this one. It was just an experiment.


Here's one my wilder terrain coasters, Ravine Plunge. Inspired by Minecraft.


Here's an inside view.


Rattler, a family GCI inspired by White Lightning and American Thunder.


Stereo, a pretty basic terrain woodie with terrible capacity and terrible theming. Guests love it though.


The turnarounds of Stereo.


One more look at it. I'm surprised at how well this ride maintains a consistently high speed.


Ever wonder what White Lightning would have been like if it was made in the 90s? This is my take, scaled down to half size.


The Retro Rumbler, my take on what American Thunder could have been like if it was shorter and had a faster pace.


Here's what the back of it looks like.


Probably the fastest of the ones I'm going to post here, this is Roller Rush. Also one of the more compact and more popular.


Think of it as "Apocalypse with a better finish".


Saving the best for last. My all time favorite woodie I've ever made in RCT2, Shamrock.


Inspired by my two favorite wooden coasters, Apocalypse and Renegade.

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