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TR 9/24/05 SFNE

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Hey guys! Somewhat new hear. Went to Six Flags this weekend and decided to write a TR since I'm really bored right now. Got to the park at 1pm and walked in. Somewhat of a crowded day first day of Fright Fest. First off we hit some rides before the haunted houses opened up. First ride as always was Superman: Ride of Steel. Great ride as always, sat in the last row. The rode Batman: The Dark Knight. Short line, loading times were really slow. The went on Cyclone sitting in the front seat for the first time. not as rough sitting in the front compared to sitting in the back row.


Then it started to get dark and we went into the haunted houses. First was Terrorvision 3-D. It was $3 to get in and a total waste. it was not scary at all. there were people hiding in obvious places, and the only cool thing was the 3-D paintings. Then we watched Dead Man's Party. It is a musical show, all Halloween songs and its fun to watch all the older people try to dance haha! Then we went into Nightmare Island. It was better than last year. There was so much fog you could not see where you were going. not too scary but fun. You are on some voyage to find a missing doctor on some island and there are man eating creatures lurking in the darkness. It was fun to go through with my friends mom cause she gets scared so easily! After this we went to watch the Dead Legends show. These were live people singing as Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra, and some other two people. Good show for the older people, I only knew like two songs haha! The it was time for my favorite haunted house. the Trail of Terror. This is in the picnic grove in the back of the park. It is a huge trail inside of the woods in a town called Happy Valley. There was some big accident and toxic waste was spilled throughout the whole town and everyone turned into zombies. A lot of theming, props, lighting, zombies, and fog in this one. You go through buildings, graveyards, farm houses, and such. It's also very long. It takes about 5 minutes or so to go through. After we got out the park was closing so we headed out. All in all a good day!

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