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Lakeside Terrace [RCT3]

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About 3 or 4 days ago...I lost it. This is my ultimate come back. My old park lacked structures and many other things. The rides I thought were great but didn't fit the park too well. Here's some pictures of the progress I've made on my new park:Shot0338.bmp

The new HUGE entrance area, something that my old park lacked.


2 Lakeside Restaurants: Lucille's Barbecue and The Lakeside Cafe.


The fountain is now in the entrance plaza. *Note* I'll probably get rid of the sign in front of the fountain.


Park Overview so far.

Please tell me your thoughts so far. I'm no where near finished, still LOTS of work to do. ALSO, please give me suggestions on what I should put in the park, I have some ideas but I want some fresh ones please. Thank you



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Week 2: Lots of progress has been made. Our first ride has arrived and has been assembled and testing at the moment. Time for the real stuff, PICTURES.


Shot0335 (2).bmp

"Welcome to Lakesideejkdnnz OMGEEZZ IT'S A ROLLY COASTER."

Shot0338 (2).bmp

Shockwave is a restored Schwarzkopf Shuttle Loop Coaster that was once at Six flags Kentucky Kingdom. The ride got new trains from the company Gerstlauer and has been completely modernized by the company Premier.

Shot0339 (2).bmp

The entrance area.


Oh what's this behind the Lakeside Cafe?


COOKIES!! Mrs. Fields will sell Cookies and Coffee in this affordable eatery.


Artsy Shot.


Have a nice day everybody! And Happy Mother's Day in advance!

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