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Rocky Point Amusement Park 1926

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Well hello there.


My name is Thomas, Thomas Flaherty.


I live down by the water with my family in sunny old Rhode Island.


Me and my son love the nearby Rocky Point park.



The park has two fancy rolly coasters.



The big rolly coaster in the back is brand new this year, brought to you by the fine gentleman of the Philadelphia Toboggan Company.



In this photo, you can see the Loof Carousel and the Merry-Go-Round.



For the best gosh darn sea food this south of Maine, visit the Shore Dinner Hall. Best Chowder in the world!



Round the Treetops is a much smaller family coaster. But my son sure does love it.



The Spinning Plane Ride is much to much for me, I can't take all that spinning.



You can get some fantastic photographs from the Steamboat Landing.



Wildcat is like nothing I've ever felt in my life, and for only a nickel there is nothing like it.



The ride turns around right by the water, offering some fantastic views of the Atlantic Ocean.


Well I sure do hope you enjoy these photographs, I will see if I can get back to the park soon.

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I must have that NAD CTR! Haha. Though, they weren't around till a couple decades later, if my history is correct..


Great work! Just don't upstage East Side. The concept is pretty tough to nail, but you look like you've really got it under control. The historical architecture is spot on. I look forward to seeing where this goes!

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