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SFMM Question ?


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As with any park it depends on when you go.


December the parks are only open on Saturday's and Sunday's, and usually open only from 10am-6pm


Also, they usually have Toy's for Tot's in December which basically get's you a free ticket to the park if you bring a $10 gift for less-fortunate kids.


Even with all of that, the park still isn't usually that busy in December.


If you want to ride X, as with any other day, you need to be at the park EARLY. If you get to the park early you shouldn't have any problem riding everything in a day.


Just be aware that alot of rides are usually closed at this time of year for "rehab". And with construction going on more rides could be closed.

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If you want to ride X, as with any other day, you need to be at the park EARLY. If you get to the park early you shouldn't have any problem riding everything in a day.


Just be aware that alot of rides are usually closed at this time of year for "rehab". And with construction going on more rides could be closed.


Will many of the rides be closed in October during Fright Fest? I'm going to SFMM on Oct. 22nd and I'm gonna be there from when it opens to when it closes. I'd like to get in all my rides before the sun goes down so I can take part in the Fright Fest things that I missed out on last year. I'm gonna ride X first, just so I can get it out of the way early.

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