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Off Season Camera Prep

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So my season is done until 2011 and I want to start getting ready early. I have a decent Camcorder but it is bigger to todays standards and uses MiniDV tapes. I also have a older camera, a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ7. I like the camera but it's getting a little old and it's a little big as well. With every park seeming to get more strict about loose article policies, how do I get pics and vids while in line? I have stopped carrying my camcorder because of the required camera bag and I don't feel like paying a $1 for every time I ride a coaster. I took barely any pictures at Rye Playland because of their ridiculously strict loose article rules.


What types of carrying bags do you use? How are those Flips or Bloggies?

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Recently I have been doing some of my own off season camera prep. I was in the market for a new camera and what I was really looking for was a point and shoot that had a good quantity of megapixels and would also be able to shoot full 1080P video. When I was looking for some reviews, I found one really nice page. http://point-and-shoot-camera-review.toptenreviews.com/ I ended up looking to buy the Fujifilm FinePix F800EXR, which was the first one on the review. I check eBay and Amazon, and found that Fujifilm was selling them for around $350 each, but they were only $200-$250 on eBay. I did end up buying it, and I included a screenshot of the listing below from my phone in case anyone was interested in any details or wanted to buy one themselves.


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