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Photo TR: Terra Mitica

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MM I read somewhere that Tizona ahd to be moved becuase the area of land right beside it was owned by a group that wanted to build a hotle there just before the recccesion hit. The plans were all in place for the coaster to be moved and it had started but the group pulled out and the hotel I believe is on hold until numbers pick up. The hotel may be part of the theme park i'm not too sure.

It makes sense to close that part of the park becuase Tizona was the only ride there. The was a theatre there where they had one show an evening so I suppose it wasnt hard to cancel it. Makes sense to close the "land" to save money and hopefully build new attractions that are quieter to allow the hotel to be built in the future.

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Well, it's not exactly like this. They moved Tizona because last director wanted to reduce Terra Mítica. If you've ever ridden an SLC, you'll know that they are pretty quiet. It was just an excuse to do that, but the hotel wasn't to be near this place (Iberia), but near Egypt area. Terra Mítica's west part was to be built with 2,000 small apartments.


Now there's a new managing. They want to reopen Iberia area in 2012 with a new first class ride, so they might fill Tizona's space. They're going to build a new entrance from carpark access road, because they want to remain opened Iberia all year. They'll invest 5 million € next year to do this. Anyway, new managing wants to buy Terra Mítica next year and there are some rumours about buying again land they sold to free cessation of payments in 2006. New managing, which its called "Ocio y Parques Temáticos" ("Leisure and Theme Parks"), has other two parks in Benidorm, Aqualandia and Mundomar (WaterLand and SeaWorld), which they want to move to Terra Mítica's area and create a resort. Some weeks ago in Spanish news it was said they're planning hotel and sports zone projects.

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Terra Mítica started last week to show once a week an artwork of park's transformation. Changes are going to be radical, they want to create a big oasis theme park. Terra Mítica's main problem was the lack of green, so they want to re-start again with a new park concept.


This year won't open new rides, but they've been checking all of them to keep them in working order. I hope Synkope (giant frisbee) reaches at 120º. Supposedly, all shows will be new or redesigned.


Here you are two artworks they have uploaded to their Facebook profile, only about Egypt:



In this pic they compare Egypt before and after. It says the park's aim will be to become a heavenly place with big waterfalls and green. They'll reconsider more places where kids can play. Big hot Summer will be transformed in a refreshing sensation. At the main entrance green will be reinforced. Morevoer, there will be a big integrated fountain.




There will be a big change in different views. Alexandria's lighthouse will change its historical position to surround it by green. By this way, they'll try to create more places between eyes' guests and the horizon.



This is the quarry's final appearance. They have done a great work, but it hasn't finished, because it's going to be green too, as you can see in artworks.


Terra Mítica will open its doors again on 16th April, not on 14th. Next week they'll show us other artwork, hope to be about Greece.

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New shows:

  • The Mummy's Curse (inside the pyramid)
    Dreams (at Circus Maximus, it has been created by Cirque du Soleil's ex-workers)
    Pandora's Dream (at Pandora Theatre, it's a show with black light)
    Barbarroja's Return (might be Barbarroja's second part)


Sustainability commitment:

  • Purification of rides' water every 10 hours
    Purification of lagoon's water every 48 hours
    48,000 m3 of saltwater into the lake
    New process of chlorine's evaporation in the water for later use in irrigation
    Elimination of leaks in the water rides
    Low-power equipment throughout the park
    Reducing light pollution by LED equipment
    Optimizing recycling


More green zones:

  • 2,500m2 of lawns
    More than 800 new palm trees
    500 m of gardens reconstructed
    15,000 varied shrubs
    20,000 seasonal plants
    More colorful floral


More water

  • 8 brand new waterfalls
    2 new fountains
    Sophisticated water spray system that achieves a reduction of 7º C


New shops and restaurants

  • Oriental cuisine: Pharaohs' Buffet, at Egypt zone
    Urban food: Rhodes, ar The Islands zone
    Nefer: theme store in Egypt
    Photo-ride at Minotaur's Labyrinth
    Photo shop in the Agora's Gate, at Greece zone



  • Increased number of seats per ride
    Queuing time: 10 minutes maximum
    Accredited security: total revision and updating of all rides
    3 new kiddies at Egypt zone

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  • 4 weeks later...

Pics of my last visit on 17th April:



















Terra Mítica has proposed a challenge: if they achieve 5,000 fans on their official profile in Facebook until the 31st May, they'll offer 10 € on-line tickets on 26th June.


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