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Photo TR: Fuji-Q Highland

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When you are all the way up there in Fuji-Q, why would you want to ride that stupid mouse coaster?!? That is a serious waste of time, since you can experience those rides closer to home as well. Dodonpa, Fujiyama, Eejanaika, those type a rides alre (alomst) nowhere else in the world. I'd go for a second ride on Eejanaika in stead of the mouse any dayu of the week.

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When you are all the way up there in Fuji-Q, why would you want to ride that stupid mouse coaster?!? That is a serious waste of time, since you can experience those rides closer to home as well. Dodonpa, Fujiyama, Eejanaika, those type a rides alre (alomst) nowhere else in the world. I'd go for a second ride on Eejanaika in stead of the mouse any dayu of the week.


Well, first of all, I'm a credit whore.

Second, the layout and manufacterer is different then in Europe's versions.

Third, Eejanaika wasn't open at that time.

And last, why am I writing this in english while we both speak dutch?

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About the "running-attractions with the special devices": there is actually a second level. I've been there with a friend in the mount-Fuji clone. The second level was impossible: the time you spend in the main hall is deducted from the total time. With your collected armies you can enter a door which leads to the second level. There you have to dodge laser beams, etc. in the remaining time (which was about 13 seconds in our case). Probably after that you'll save the princess...?


Kind of cool to be the only ones to make the first level that time I was there, instead of the Japanese who probably play it a lot more (and better).


We couldn't beat the Gundam-ride though: we were learning the system to play these attractions at that time.


I would love to see one of these in Europe! Although with all the vandalism I think it's not possible here.


Damn, clearely the second level is more awesome then the first one! Congratulations however for making it to the second level!


To everybody, thanks for your replies! It makes me want to write more TR's on this forum.


Here's an amateuristic compilation video of (almost) all the coasters I've done in Japan, enjoy!

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