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California here we come.....

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I've taken a few Bon Jovi fans and friends from out of town to the Hollywood sign as close as you can get that is I'd definitely if you want Hollywood to make sure you visit Hollywood and Highland, Mann's Chinese Theater and El Capitan are all right there. Plus Hollywood and Highland has some shops and resteraunts.


If you're deciding on Sea World or Universal Studios Hollywood. I'd say Universal Studios over Sea World just my preference.


As far as the beach goes i'd definitely go to Santa Monica. Only because my fellow Bon Jovi fans and friends and I spent a day in Long Beach (the Queen Mary) and surrounding shopping area and then headed to Santa Monica. Not only is Santa Monica pier fun (there are things to see there) the beach of course then there's the 3rd Street Prominade (shops and resteraunts) but of course Santa Monica holds special place in my heart so just my personal preference.


I'd definitely rent a car though. The OC and LA/Hollywood area aren't transportation friendly public wise. It's a shame really.


Hope you get to go to Knott's though. One park i frequent especially for the boysenberry punch.

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