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Trip Review: Movie World's Halloween Family Fun Night

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On Thursday the 30th October, I attended Movie World's annual Halloween Family Fun Night. To no surprise, the place was packed... and to think of those poor soles who were visiting Friday night.


The first ride I went on was Batwing, and oh boy, I can tell you that it had to have been some of the slowest operation of that ride I have ever encountered. Nonetheless, the airtime made up for the snail-pace operation. Then onto the not-so-Scary Maze...


Now I can tell you that the name wasn't the only thing lame about this attraction, if you could call it that. It literally was just temporary fencing with some fancy lighting and fog added. No live actors to be seen, but I just figured that they may have fallen asleep like I was about to do.


After that awful attraction, I needed something scary, real scary. The first time I went through the Fright Zone it seemed like there were no actors and the layout was boring... but I knew that couldn't be possible, so I did it again, and can I tell you that I'm glad I did! Here's a tip, if you see a group of teenage girls enter, follow them, because it is soooooo funny to hear them scream like little kids.


Then back onto Main Street were I saw all those scary live actors and some grown men acting like, well, crazy people. The same people who I saw smoking in the Batwing line earlier!


The Zombie Laser Skirmish was a real letdown, $5 for ten minutes... but hey, I'm sure there's many Luna Park fans who'd be happy to visit Movie World and fork out more money.


On my way back up to Superman I encounter a little 'extra' attraction not mentioned on the park map. It was pretty much just Police Academy's old props made to look like they were in a war zone with some blood and guts added. Did I mentioned there was that random spider back to 'scare' (cough) guests?


Onto Superman, where the operation was slow as well, although this one was due to one train operation – don't ask me why this is the case.


Overall, a good night out for the general public or coaster nerds alike, and a sure-fire way for Movie World to grab some extra cash for that B&M coaster we're all wishing for.

























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