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The anticipation builds for Behemoth Bash...


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The off season is almost over, and the "official" kick off for the season is only about 4 weeks away. I'm continually getting more excited about this year, primarily due to the fact that I will be at my first TPR event. So, I have several questions:


1: Being Civic Holiday, many people have said that the lines will be short. How short, and are there any lines that tend to be lengthy anyway?


2: Does Shockwave break down a lot? As my first ride on a legendary Mondial Top Scan (my god, Mondial and KMG are freaking geniuses) I want to know how hard it is to get a ride on it.


3: Are there any other rides that break down a lot?


4: Is Drop Tower a "multiple seat" Drop Tower? (The model with Stand Up, Stand Up Floorless, Floorless and Floored seats.)


5: Is Taxi Jam part of the ERT? If not, is it possible that we can get on this coaster without a small child?


6: What's fer lunch? Do you know, or does the park plan that as a surprise?


7: Are there any extra little "hidden gems" in the park that are just something to make the day extra awesome? (For example, making all of the targets in Sylvan Beach's go off at the same time from a flash enabled picture camera, or CW's own Auto Donut Machines.)


8: I was wondering, from what nations are people expected to be arriving from? (Apart from the obvious USA and Canada)


9: Did you get the info on pricing and other stuff yet?


10: Any other general info regarding the park and/or the event that I should know about?

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Isn't there a Behemoth/Ravine Flyer2 trip thread for this to be posted in?


Chances are, Robb & Elissa won't answer all of this because some of this seems like the kind of stuff they like to keep secrets for the trip.



I can however answer your question about the pricing. The whole Behemoth/Ravine Flyer2 trip is $995 USD.

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1. It's a holiday. Lines will probably be longer then normal, but not as long as the big summer holidays.


2. No. I've never seen it break down. Pysclone and Sledge Hammer I have seen break down quite a bit.


4. No. Drop Zone is your typical 2nd gen Intamin free fall. Nothing special.


5. No. You must have a child to ride Taxi Jam. Unless you plan on stealing a kid, you won't be getting that credit. (I only got it this past summer with my niece)

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I wasn't sure if this was to be in the entire "big trip" thread, because I'm only going for Behemoth Bash, and since this was more primarily a CW tips thread, I thought it deserved its own thread. But I had some questions regarding the event as well, and since both topics have a lot of similarities, I thought it would have been good to make its own thread. I honestly thought that this thread would be more positively received.



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