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Valleyscare 2007

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Valleyscare-Coming back to Valleyfair for the second season!


Hours of Operation: Every Friday night open from 6PM-11PM.

Every Saturday open from 12PM-11PM.

Every Sunday open from 12PM-7PM.


Prices: To be announced.


Haunted Houses:


CarnEvil-Evil clows have taken over this house, and can't wait to reek havoc in your life. Located in the Game Warehouse.*


Chateau Du Damne`- Blood-thirsty vampires can't wait for you to enter into their world full of mystery and terror. Located in the Hi-Test Arcade. *


Mangler Asylum- Insane patients have been let loose at a recently abandoned asylum! Once you enter, you'll have to fight your way out. . . and for your life. Located in the Bumper Cars building.*


Carnage at Crimson Isle- Arghh. Beware of these crazy pirates out to scare the living daylights out of you. Located around IMAX.


*=Location subject to change upon updates.


Scare Zones:


Blood Creek Cemetary- Dead souls have been let loose in this terrifying cemetary, and the gates are open. . . for you. Located between Corkscrew and kidworks.


Hellside Farms- This farm has been over-run with evil scarecrows, bloody animals, and all sorts of things that will make you run for your life. Located around the Flume/Hydroblaster. *


*=Location subject to change upon updates.


More info can be found at www.valleyscare.com

although they haven't updated it yet for this year, so this is probably the most helpful.

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How are the crowds for this event typically? I have never been to the park before, but am considering flying up in October to go to the park and to a Wild game. I would be going on Friday night from 6-11 and then on either Saturday or Sunday when the park opens until mid-afternoon.

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Last year the crowds were perfectly barable. The haunted house lines got up to about 15-30 mins max at night. The rides weren't bad at all. And, did you pre-order tickets for the wild game, cuz those are almost always sold out in advance. Also, I'd go on saturday rather than sunday, because 1. the park is open longer, so therefore, you'll get more out of your day, and 2. You'll be able to see the park/haunt at it's fullest.

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Well, it depends on which Wild game I go to. There are two that fit my schedule, one of which is on a Saturday, and one on a Sunday. The tickets go on sale September 15, and that is the only thing that I am worried about right now. I know they have sold out every game in their existence, but I hope if I am on Ticketmaster the second they go on sale I can get one ticket.


Not to sidetrack the thread or anything hah.


I hear Cedar Fair usually does a great job with their Halloween events. I know they are beefing the one at Carowinds up t his year.

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Okay, I just found out that on the website, although the page isn't up, the new scare zone will be called Hellside farm. It will be located around the log flume/hydroblaster, and is going to stretch around and through that area. Also, a rumor is that Carnage at Crimson Isle might be moved due to that it is too close to Hellside farms, so they're moving that back to thunder canyon/back of the park. Rumor though. <.


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