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Who here is into the Champ Car racing

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I'm a huge open wheel race fan. I probably could have ridden a lot more coasters by now, but I spend too much of my money going to races.


I've been to a few CC races, most recently the Cleveland Grand Prix this year, but I'm a bigger fan of Indycar (it wasn't always like that). Though they seriously need to get the two series back together if open wheel racing is to become successful again. We have two 'ok' series that are struggling hard just to stay afloat. Kalkhoven and George seriously need to take a break from their power trips and think about this logically before American open wheel racing becomes a complete joke. (Steps off soap box)


But yeah, I'm still dumbfounded as to how Doornbos won that race yesterday. I'm personally a Graham Rahal fan, and to some extent, Neel Jani. It's too bad they are going to lose Bourdais after this year.

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^Yep, more money, but no results. Nothing like getting paid a crap ton just to be a backmarker, which is what he'll likely be if he goes to Toro Rosso. But whatever, I like to pretend that with his talent he could actually do something impressive, given the crap ride he'd have.


Yeah, WRC is awesome. I wish it had more coverage than it does. What I'd give to get behind the wheel of one of those cars and just drive the hell out of it.

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^Yeah, any racing car would be great, open-wheeled or not.



I actually have looked into getting lessons at Road Atlanta (which is about an hour from my house), but it is so expensive and there's such a small chance of breaking into anything. I do cart race, which is great fun, but there aren't enough tracks in Georgia, at least non-dirt tracks, because I'm not racing my street-tuned cart on dirt and messing it up.

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