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The Best Six Flags Park

Which Six Flags Park is the Best?  

537 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Six Flags Park is the Best?

    • Six Flags Discovery Kingdom
    • Six Flags Magic Mountain
    • Six Flags Over Georgia
    • Six Flags Great America
    • Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom
    • Six Flags America
    • Six Flags New England
    • Six Flags St. Louis
    • Six Flags Great Adventure
    • The Great Escape
    • Six Flags Fiesta Texas
    • Six Flags Over Texas
    • LaRonde
    • Six Flags Mexico

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1. Chicago Great Adventure

2. Georgia...close second. Too much up and down hill walking (not the best layout) and they like to close the rides before official closing time

The worst park ever....Kentucky Kingdom!!!!


I agree with 2 things you are saying. The first one is about SFOG, and they do close the rides early. They also run 1 train on coasters over there for something like Great American Scream Machine.


I think all the parks should be run the same. There shouldn't be this decision making by the managers of these parks. Corporate should decide the rules for each and every park they own. That's why one park you go to is horrible, and another park you go to is completely awesome. I heard at SFGAdv, you can't reride if there is no one in line, but that is the only park I know that does that (Six Flags).


The worst park that I have been to that is Six Flags is Kentucky Kingdom.


I have been to SFOT, SFMM, SFGAm, SFOG, SFGAm, SFA, SFStL, and SFKK.


I would say the best is SFOT because they have 3 of my top 10 roller coasters there (Some might disagree, but it's what I think: La Vibora, Mr. Freeze, and Batman the Ride), and they aren't run bad in which I've seen. Next would be Magic Mountain because they just have so many great roller coasters in my opinion. 3rd would be a tie between SFGAm, and SFOG.


Six Flags America has a poor maintenance budget, or poor mechanics or something. What ride wasn't broke at that place, broken lapbars, or an Alpine Bobs that rattles when it's working? Invertigos don't have problems what I've seen (from Kings Island), but of couse they have problems with their Two-Face. And so what about Invertigo at California's Great America getting stuck? Roller coasters stop on lifthills. It happens on reliable B&Ms too.

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