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Sunday or Saturday?


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Yeah, weekends are bad, but which day is the generally the worst? Sunday or Saturday?


Due to PKD's lousy schedule, they'll only be open weekends when I'm up there.


Also, is the weekend before memorial day generally terrible or not?

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Yeah, Sundays have always been good to us. We normally get to most parks at LEAST 30 minutes prior to opening anyway, but we've found that even parks not in the bible belt tend to be slower on Sundays anyway.


If you're planning to spend a FULL day at a park on a Sunday, here is what I reccomend.


1. Get to the park at least 30 minutes prior to opening and be ready to get to your first destination as quickly as possible.

2. Do as much as you can in the 1st two hours - hit up lower capacity rides first (Wild Mouse type rides, kiddie coasters, Boomerangs, Arrow 4Ds, or anything you know that might be running one train, etc)

3. Plan to leave the park around 1:30 or 2:00 and take a 'longer' lunch.

4. Return to the park between 3:00 - 4:00pm and hope to find that the park has cleared out some.

5. Enjoy the rest of your night!


Another thing we do a lot with parks that have water parks attached to them is go to the water park from about 3-5pm. Most people seem to get to water parks early, and tend to clear out around that time.


Anyway, hope this helps!



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