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Something I've been working on for nearly a week so far...track work is 100% done, terraforming is done as much as I need to for now, and i have started supporting the 150ft lift & turn.


The ride features a large prelift drop into a tunnel, before climbing 180ft to the highest part 150ft above the ground. Followed by a large airtime hill, which then falls almost the same distance again, this coaster has a height difference of approx 200ft. At this lowest point in the track, the ride experiences a quick up section followed by a 3rd hill, which follows the terrain. This hill then enters the 160° turnaround, and has a small hop at the exit, leading into a swooping downward curve. Immediately afterwards is a double up leading into a 360 degree helix. after negotiating a minor trick-track segment, the 540 degree helix leads into a quick airtime hill, which leads almost directly into 'the weavy section' which goes under/over/under the second & first hills respectively. Finally, a more heavily banked trick-track throws you off course for the final 360 degree upwards helix into the break run, where you are finally allowed to catch your breath on this relentless wooden ride.




Estimated time for release so far is at least 2-4 weeks away at the earliest.

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