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Everything posted by viola_ted

  1. I originally was going to postpone my trip to October so I could go to HHN, but I decided to move it to July 27th instead. Who knows what's going to happen with HHN... all we can do is wait and see. I'm excited to go during this historic time! I do wonder if they'll keep all the social distancing protocols in place after a vaccine has been widely distributed; again, only time will tell.
  2. I don't know if this is anything worthwhile, but I noticed Disney World took down their page about the temporary closures and operations. Might be nothing, but you never know! Edit: It was just a glitch on my end. Disregard oops
  3. Hi guys, my name's Ian. I've been a long time fan of TPR, but with getting a bachelor's degree and pursuing a masters in music over the last six years, I've fallen off the radar a bit. Happy to be back! My home park is Six Flags Over Georgia. I can't remember how many coasters I've been on, but I've been to Carowinds, Cedar Point, Busch Gardens Tampa, IOA/UOF, Disney World, and I've ridden a lot of coasters in Las Vegas (including the now defunct coasters on the Stratosphere tower and Speed at Sahara). Hoping to ride more coasters in the future!
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