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Posts posted by jlp94

  1. Out of curiosity, what rates did you pay for admission? Did you pay for straight up multi-day tickets full price, or did you pay a group discount? Or was the ticket price so buried into the lump sum that you paid for the trip that you have no idea?

    Everything was included with a $1,300 (about, I don't quite remember) price so I can't tell you that. But all the signs I saw as I entered each park said $150-$200 for 1 day at each park.


    Well, despite not getting to ride Flight of Passage it sounds like a great visit. I took a lot of these school trips when I was a kid (usually to Six Flags or Worlds of Fun though), and they're still some great memories. Hope you got to enjoy your time at Disney World and didn't worry too much about "credits."

    Yes, and don't worry. I think starting at the Disney parks that aren't heavy on coasters helped with that, since it wasn't the main focus.


    Picking up from where I accidentally posted... (It's been too long lol I'll try to bulk finish it before summer vacation)


    Why does every Dinosaur-themed ride use Jeeps as the ride vehicles?

    So yeah, I actually really like this ride. Not the best simulator ever of course, but I like how they played in the roughness into the ride, it gives it a funny feeling that feels bizarre at first but is actually fitting. And of course the theming is very well done. I could see why someone might not like it, but I always enjoy it:


    Primeval Whirl opened back up so I headed here next.




    It was sh*t, lol. There was some decent spinning and I liked the quirky theming, but the entire ride still had a lot of trims and when it wasn't overly trimmed it gave me and the two friends I was riding with a huge spinal adjustment. 4/10 (I'm doing my ratings out of 10 now instead of 5)


    After this, it was pretty hot so we decided to take an ice cream break in some of the shade, before taking one last ride and park hopping. It was a good time to admire again how beautiful and scenic this park is


    I'm in love with Disney's attention-to-detail. I really am.

    We all agreed on a re-ride for Everest for the last ride, using the single rider line so we could get over to Hollywood Studios as quick as possible to ride everything we wanted.


    Open? That means we can use it!

    As with our first ride, I had a great time. It might not have been in the front, but I still had loads of fun from start to finish. Big success on Disney's part with this one!



    Look at the train! Is there a single person riding that is NOT SMILING?


    Ignore the stupid strollers... Animal Kingdom theming... mmm!

    As we started to walk out of the park, we took the time to look at some animals, which of course comes with visiting a park called Animal Kingdom. None of us really wanted to take time out of Hollywood Studios to wait 2 hours for the guided tour (Kilimanjaro Safaris is what it's called, right) so this would be our animal fill for the day.


    For lunch, we were all pretty sweaty so we just decided to pick the first thing that sounded mildly interesting and came upon Rainforest Cafe, so we headed there. We weren't in the best of moods either, because of the heat and missing out on Avatar, but mine quickly changed.



    When in a bad mood... let a bit of Disney magic help with that! Turns out we were walking during a Kevin photo session, and I got my photo. I had a bit of a fanboy moment, as I LOVE the movie and Kevin was my favorite character, and the whole costume was done amazingly!


    Love the movie, love the character, it was GREAT to get this photo! =)


    Can you ever get enough Animal Kingdom?


    Anteater! I love that they have animals all throughout the park, even the small path leading to Rainforest Cafe.

    So mini story time. As we got to Rainforest Cafe to be seated, we found out that Rainforest Cafe wasn't a part of the Disney Dining Card we were handed by the tour guides and chaperones because it's a separate, non-Disney owned company so we just decided to suck it up a bit and eat at Hollywood Studios.


    Maybe next time...


    Maybe next time... =(


    A massive wave of crowds came in as we started the walk to the bus... good timing on our part!


    And that was Animal Kingdom! While there were some issues with the park such as the lack of Avatar and the painful park entry process, I can never get enough of how beautiful and fitting all the theming is and they have a HUGE range of attractions and shows. Hopefully my next visit will be a full day here.


    Next up... Hollywood Studios

  2. I'm shocked Thunderhead isn't in the Top 10 GCIs and that no one has mentioned it. What a fantastic woodie, even if it is overshadowed by the RMC across the park!


    Mine Blower and Voyage are also rather low... Mine Blower is just all around f**king insane and challenges your equilibrium which is why I love it, and Voyage never ends with phenomenal airtime and just doesn't seem to do anything wrong.

  3. My Top 10

    1. Expedition GeForce - Holiday Park

    2. Lightning Rod - Dollywood

    3. Steel Vengeance - Cedar Point

    4. Storm Chaser - Kentucky Kingdom

    5. Voyage - Holiday World

    6. X2 - Six Flags Magic Mountain

    7. Goliath - Six Flags Great America

    8. Twisted Colossus - Six Flags Magic Mountain

    9. Nemesis - Alton Towers

    10. Millennium Force - Cedar Point


    Bottom 10 (worst to best)

    1. Green Lantern: First Flight - Six Flags Magic Mountain

    2. Vortex - Kings Island

    3. T3 - Kentucky Kingdom

    4. Boomerang - Six Flags St. Louis

    5. Hoosier Hurricane - Indiana Beach

    6. Wild Thing - Wild Waves Theme Park

    7. Corkscrew - Cedar Point

    8. Goofy's Sky School - Disney California Adventure

    9. Ninja - Six Flags St. Louis

    10. Invertigo - Kings Island

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