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The Great Zo

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Posts posted by The Great Zo

  1. The original was pretty corny, but i think it had a more involved feeling to it.


    The video makes it seem like there's a lot of driving around and getting PA announcements about the tests that are being done on your car (especially in the first half of the ride), so I share that concern. Using the old hot/cold rooms as an example -- yes, dated as they were (especially in design), that was something you could feel. I'm sure there's probably more interaction than what was just evident in the video, though. I want to feel like I'm in a car being tested, not just be told about it by a pleasant, detached announcer.


    The visuals are outstanding. The tunnel effect at the launch and the lightning bolt stood out.

  2. The view from I-71 is sure different now!


    I only made it to Son of Beast after the removal of the loop. Over the course of two visits, I rode it 3 or 4 times, and the spine-jackhammering just about did me in. I guess I'm happy I at least got that experience, though. That way, when people at work asked me "they're taking it down? was it really that bad?" ... I know how to answer.


    Will be anxiously awaiting its replacement. KI could use something intense.

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