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The Great Zo

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Posts posted by The Great Zo

  1. I'm leaning toward Mini New Hotness, which fits remarkably well with my work schedule, and contains only parks I've never been to or want to revisit. It'd be a good economic decision too -- only requiring one flight! I'd consider Texas -- the allure of the three closed rides from this year's trip is strong -- but that's a question of justifying travel time to a place I just visited. West Coast also looks interesting, though the original itinerary for that one was a couple days longer (which I thought would have been worth it, as someone who's never been out there at all). All good options, just a matter of picking the best.

  2. So I'm confused about something - is this area Seaside Heights or Seaside Park? Because I've seen both mentioned on news reports and in comments? Or is it that both locations are right next to each other connected by this boardwalk?


    Here's Seaside Heights, and Seaside Park. They're adjacent boroughs, with Porter Street as the dividing line. Funtown Pier straddles the two municipalities, and Casino Pier is further north, totally in Seaside Heights.

  3. There's a fast lane "gate" right to the left of this photo similar to other rides. I will definitely ask about this when I'm there today.

    This is very strange considering CP doesn't even list Wicked Twister on their website.

    Yup, this must be brand new. I just checked a picture of mine from August 9, and there was no fast lane sign in the spot where the picture on the last page shows it. Would have been mad if I missed it while I was there!

  4. With all the love for Millennium Force, I'd toss in a vote for TTD, if only you were up there for long enough to enjoy it!


    Mamba's nice at sunset from the left side of the train -- downtown KC lit up in orange. I also love the views from both US dive machines, as others have mentioned. Not a coaster, but I have to mention Summit Plummet -- you can see pretty much anything over the treeline in the entire WDW resort from up there.


    Allow me to toss in a vote for Little Dipper at Little Amerricka. At least, it's one of the most unique views from a coaster. I don't think I got a picture while I was there, but if you can find one online, you'll be dying to see it.

  5. Okay after re-watching the POV that zero-G stall things looks insane! And the way that it's kind of hidden in the structure is really going to surprise a lot of riders.


    Agreed. Favorite part of the layout, by a long shot. Flipping upside down is one thing, but nobody's gonna expect to be held there for a couple seconds!

    That part is pretty crazy. It's similar to the Outlaw Run 153-degree inversion, only taken to its logical extreme. I was surprised by just how comfortable that bizarre-looking element was, and I'm guessing you'll get a similar sensation out of this one. It's not really hang-time -- it's more zero-G, and really fun. Agreed with the last poster that it may even be negative-G that keeps you in your seat.


    After all those AMAZING RMC announcements in the USA, WHEN is RMC finally coming to Europe???

    Pfffft, we're keeping them all for ourselves!

  6. I never tried it in the very first row, but my first ride was in row 3 or 4, and even that was intolerable. My "Little Titans payment rides" were sadly further back (row 9 or 10) and those were organ-busting, spine-shattering atrocities. For those of you who got in the very front -- was it better by any measurable margin?


    I will say that the entire turnaround felt to me like, say, a GCI that's been around for a few years. I wouldn't call it smooth, but it was tolerable.

  7. Out of curiosity, how was The Boss running...we rode it last summer and I seriously thought it might kill me...but I've heard its had some work this season...


    It seems disingenuous to compare any wood coaster to what we all survived at the Dells, but thankfully, The Boss wasn't in the same league as Hades. That said, it was rough (jackhammeringly-rough in a couple spots), and I think most of us were good after one ride (maybe two). The helix at the end seemed to be in pretty bad shape. There was definitely a minority of the group, though, that enjoyed The Boss enough to give it a few rides. On the plus side, I thought the layout/design was one of the more interesting wood coaster layouts on the entire trip.

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