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Posts posted by TheBannedKid

  1. They have street corners at Cedar Point...I'm sure he can figure something out!


    So, as I've said a few times before, I have a '95 Honda Accord in great condition with 208,000 miles! I've had a full service recently and everything is great. I do have an oil leak from a worn gasket at the transmission.


    Anyways, I'm thinking about taking a weekend to remove the transmission and replace the gasket, though I'm also curious about a transmission rebuild/service. It was last serviced when I got it at 180,000 miles, so what do you think? I would love to do it myself though I'm afraid I don't have the time nor the tools.

  2. Disclaimer! You need a sense of humor to view our site, if you don't have a sense of humor, or are easily offended, please turn back now!


    I know Mike's closet adventures may not be on topic but at least it's interesting and funny. The locker debate was an endless loop of stupidity over such an unimportant policy. I don't see why you're butt hurt over this.


    I would like to make it to the park before school starts again...I need a break from work. Maybe then I can renew my interest in coasters...




    TJ "Coasters bore me, for now" MacLennan

  3. ^I completely forgot about Ninja!, Rusher I'll give some credit to, but Tatsu could still be a parking lot ride if the Pretzel were about 30ft. smaller. It just lucks out because it's on a hill.

    Any coaster could be a parking lot coaster with the right supports. Tatsu has quite a bit of an elevation change along the track...it may be high in the air most of the time but it lies on a vast terrain.


    Anyways, I thought Terminator was rumored to go by Tidal Wave and take over some of Batman's queue?

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