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Posts posted by TheBannedKid

  1. Doesn't really sound too convincing to me. Especially since SFMM and CP were never in a "race" to be the best. It was just a coaster enthusiast invented race.


    Plus Tatsu can't really be placed anywhere else. Maybe SFDK was meant to get a flyer but SFMM got it, but SFDK could not place Tatsu in its park.

  2. Each card you presented was not the same card. Each manufacturer take the NVIDIA chip and incorporates it into their own card. Each one is built around the same chip but some are low end and others are high end cards.


    The first one, from TigerDirect, is the same one from NewEgg. I would trust NewEgg over anything. This card has slower memory than the others, called DDR2. There is DDR3 now and it will be more expensive to get a card with DDR3. The memory size is 512MB which is pretty good.


    The BestBuy card is too extreme for your needs. The standard is 512MB right now and this card has 1GB. Though if you find a 1GB for a good price there's no reason to not get it.


    The Provantage card has DDR3 memory, hence the higher price.


    I would go with anything on NewEgg. Are you sure that these cards will work with you computer? How much memory do you have? Do you have a PCI-Expressx16 slot? And what CPU do you have too?


    This card isn't bad.



    More high end, I would suggest this for the price. Plus it's 1GB.



    Personally I would go with a better series, like the 9800 GT with 512MB DDR3 at 256-bit.



    The 8800 has some cards that are two cards in one. That's why they are so expensive. Normally the best 9 series card is better than the best 8 series card, but not all 9 series cards are better than the 8 series cards. I would stick with the newest, the 9 series.

  3. Golden Rule #4: Don't piss off Title Fairy by nagging and pestering her. This will only make her angry and get you STUCK with a very awful custom title.


    Hmm, considering you have asked for a title many times recently and spelled TITLE wrong each time giving you your current title I would just have to assume the answer is no. But that's just common sense speaking...


    And maybe use correct grammar. It's "to" not "too". That's what got you your title in the first place.

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