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Posts posted by AllisonY2K

  1. bah. a generic arrow looper will be enough to bring crowds in. *snicker*


    or perhaps a coaster similar to The Italian Job with a "Dukes of Hazzard" theme. the cars could be painted to resemble the General Lee, Daisy Duke's jeep, Boss Hogg's car, and Rosco's police cruiser and race through the woods, through barns, jump over stuff and whatnot.


    Allison "what's the Dukes of Hazzard?" Y2K

  2. well that sucks. do you think any other company besides EA could make a college sports game as good?


    I forgot what game I played, I know it wasn't by EA, but I played a college football game once and went all the way to #1 with Stanford. (and Hawaii a little later) I like playing as the underdogs.


    Nebraska, FSU, USC, UF, Penn (all really good at the time)..they didn't stand a chance agianst my awesome Stanford defense. heh heh.

  3. in order to receive speedy service on your return, I think you should wait until they're back from Europe. that way it won't just get tossed into a "To Do" pile. so enjoy your DVDs in the mean time, maybe with that time you have until they get home you can convince your parents to let you keep them.

  4. well, yes and no. clockwise and counter-clockwise really doesn't make a difference. you're going to get people who want to ride space mountain first, and people who want to ride big thunder mountain or splash mountain first, and then they are going to work their way to the other end of the park and probably meet somewhere around liberty square or fantasyland.


    thats why I suggested doing the 2 bigger rides that are closer together first, then double back to adventureland (assuming the wait for Pirates isn't bad, it will be bad for Jungle Cruise) and then fast forward ahead to do the Haunted Mansion, and totally skip fantasyland, and then get a FP for space mountain and while waiting for that, do Buzz Lightyear...and the people mover if you're so inclined. and whatever else you want to do after that. hit the major rides first, and those that are on another side of the park, get a FP for and go do other stuff that's in the area.


    that's always been my plan when I went to MK. it works fairly well for me. I like going to theme parks with a plan, or at least an idea.


    ~Allison "Theme Park Commando" Y2K~

  5. Ok. Hoop-de-doo Musical Review usually has like a 1-year waiting list, so I wouldn't count on seeing that.


    For MK, this has usually worked for me. Upon entering the park, head right to Splash or Big Thunder Mountain. Once you ride one, ride the other. Then head back to ride Pirates and the Jungle Cruise. After those, cut through (there's a hallway with bathrooms connecting Frontierland and Adventureland) and go to Haunted Mansion. Then walk through Fantasyland, noticing the stroller parking lot by It's a small world and the horrendous waits for Dumbo, Peter Pan, etc. and get a FP for Space Mountain, then head over to Buzz Lightyear, and grab something to eat if you still have time before Space Mountain. After that, mill around and do whatever else tickles your fancy.


    If you're doing EPCOT, take the obvious route. If you get there as the park is opening, go to World Showcase FIRST and see all that, THEN do Future World. Ok, do Test Track THEN go on to the World Showcase. Most people do Future World first and many will be heading to Test Track, Mission:Space, or that big silver ball thing pseudo-coaster, so it's best to try and skip all that. Eat at whatever counter service restaurant in WS you like. I personally like the one in Japan, China, or Mexico, with a stop at the cafe in Morocco for dessert.


    MGM: Duh, Tower or Terror and Rock n' Roller Coaster! then Soarin, then whatever the heck else you want to do. DON'T go to 50s Prime Time if you're easily embarrassed or don't like people drawing attention to you, because chances are it will happen.


    Best suggestion for adults who are staying on property: see all of EPCOT that you want to see before 4/5p. Then start at the Rose and Crown and circle around World Showcase doing "Drink Around the World". I was rather tipsy by the time we got around to Mexico but it was hella fun. Illuminations looks amazingly awesome when you're drunk.

    (so glad I was staying at the Dolphin that trip.)

  6. yeah the All-Stars are the furthest away from the parks. You're closest to Animal Kingdom and MGM. A little further from EPCOT, and kinda far from MK and Downtown Disney.


    But I hope you have a good time!


    on a side note, every time I go to WDW, whenever I get through the main gates I play "Trashin the Camp" (feat. Nsync, from the Tarzan soundtrack). Just gets me into a happy mood knowing I'm at Disney. 8)


    ~Allison "It's tradition!" Y2K~

  7. I was mad to UF because I wasn't able to transfer there twice (once as an undergrad, once as a grad student). but since my favorite favorite favorite band's hometown is Gainesville (Less Than Jake), I kinda got over it.


    ~Allison "GO NOLES!" Y2K~


    p.s. just kidding.

  8. Here's the link where my opinion was partly based on: http://www.snopes.com/disney/parks/declare.htm. I've also read "Behind the Mouse" which was rather eye-opening.


    I'm sure you'll agree, Disney does a nice job of skirting the issue with using "declared death" as a sole means of maintaining their claim that no one dies at Disney.


    anyway, back to the thread at hand!


    uh, metal shards on TDD? affecting riders or onlookers?

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