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About artattack

  • Birthday 08/31/1971

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  1. Last tuesday: Revolution at Bobbejaanland (Belgium). A copy of the late chaos coaster at Opryland. one weird coaster...but I really like it. too bad the projection screen at the bottom was removed many years ago...
  2. Yep, if you look close, you can see that the person in the first car was getting up to leave the car, but when the train starts to move, he gets down again and pulls down the restraint. One staff-member managed to pull his co-worker off the train (he injured his hand and had a small concussion) I think that would've been the biggest problem: if the staff-member didn't get off the train in time...when it moved on. they also were trained to evacuate from the back. something to do with people not seeing other people in front of them getting out..and walking past them.
  3. From what I read on another forum where one of the persons was in the ride: -It seems the ride stopped at the top due to a malfunction. -staff decided to evacuate. -they didn't block/secure the cars -they opened the harnesses -started evacuating people from the back. -due to a difference in weight now, the train started to roll. -one person (in the front) who was just getting up to leave the train had to sit back down, and pull the harness down again. -the staff-member could jump off at the last second. pfew.... human error with almost some nasty accident.
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