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Posts posted by Dombot

  1. Super Mario Odyssey has me blown away with every level. Best game I've ever played, bar none. I'm dead serious.


    Odyssey is great, i'm so enthralled with New Donk City! Though I still like Breath of the Wild better, I'm probably biased though since Zelda is my favorite video game series.

    Yeah, to each their own. I loved BotW and I love Zelda as a series, but I'm just more of a platformer person myself.

  2. I've only been on one: Mine Blower.

    I don't want to call it the best since I really didn't like it. I really tried to like it by riding a 2nd time later that day. It was worse than the first time. It gave me a headache and left the park. I was supposed to ride HeadSpin 360 and didn't after that experience. I guess I should have done it first...lol

    I don't quite get all these reviews coming in about MB saying it's really rough. Been on it twice in each row, and while I wouldn't call it glass-smooth, it's far from being Gwazi bad.

  3. A bit of old news, but this was announced a few weeks ago...

    Inspired by the point on a wave where water and gravity form a perfect partnership, the crest of this 70-foot tower challenges you with two 425 ft. wave paths. Step into one of two skyboxes, and face your fears as the floor disappears beneath you. Or, get horizontal on a 455-foot long slide ending with a high speed finale.


    “These unique ride paths give guests options on how they want their thrills delivered,” said Stewart Clark, president of Busch Gardens® Tampa Bay and Adventure Island. “Whether you choose to have the floor drop from beneath your feet, or race to the bottom on a looped slide, the only way down once you get to the top is a wild ride that gets your heart pumping.”


    Located right across the street from Busch Gardens, Adventure Island is the ultimate combination of high-speed thrills and tropical, tranquil surroundings for guests of all ages. Within a soothing Key West atmosphere, guests enjoy slides, corkscrews, water falls, a wave pool, children’s water playground and other family attractions.


    Vanish Point will be located at the center of the park next to another family-favorite thrill slide, Colossal Curl™.


    Construction on Vanish Point will begin in the coming weeks, and the ride is expected to be completed to kick off the 2018 season for Adventure Island.


  4. I'm okay with religion, but if you try to shove your religion down peoples throats and/or act like I'm delusional because I don't believe in your religion, please reconsider everything you've ever done. It's normal for people to have different beliefs, and you don't need to force people into your own belief either.

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