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Posts posted by CHILLERLC1

  1. I think what's probably behind it all is Dick has a couple monkeys throw darts at possible names on a board. Apparently the one that had hit "Afterburn" had an accident with his diaper and was punished with the take back of the name.


    It's a shame how low and unskilled it gets.


    Oh wait a minute, I learned from the Geauga Lake episode that CF doesn't do animals.


    It's McDiculous.

  2. WOW - I always wanted to a) go on a TPR trip b) go back to Niagara Falls and Canada because I went there a million times before I became an enthusiast. I live just outside of Philly in Jersey so this is a dream come true. I don't have to fly in! My uncle can get me tickets for the all the places cheaply from his group plan at work but I already took advantage of him over the years. I think this will be well worth the reward to cover this trip myself and join.

  3. Just being in the area there are enough area football clubs named Panthers or Nittany Lions. There is a Cheetah wooden coaster in Georgia I believe so I think this name is a cat name not used and would stand out. The sharp 180 in to the intense helix that has an awesome exit that blows me away would match well with a puma than with a jack rabbit.


    Tigers jumping over the wall at the San Francisco zoo are in the news recently and SFGADV has those White Tigers they love to push. Clementon's White Tiger show ended in 2005?

  4. www.clementonpark.com/attractions.html


    The New owners of Clementon Park changed the name of the tear jerking, swift J2, originally Tsunami, wooden rollercoaster to Puma. I bet Six Flags and Cedar Fair would be jealous. Six Flags would probably have a Puma store at the ride exit. Cedar Fair could probably use those marketing guys for new coaster names.


    What a way for the Clementon Park owners to turn a new page. New Kahuna water structure, a Victorian main street entrance is coming to this little park.

  5. I agree with Pcman that Tsunami is not as rough as SOB and Villian. That is just cruel and so off base. I just rode SOB this year again without the loop and thought of what brutal it still was. Tsunami will push you to the limits and make your eyes water but it's no where near SOB. Wrong ball league.


    I was still optimistic about Jack Rabbit reopening when Tsunami debuted, denying the truth about the structure problems JR had. It really had to go after years of being SBNO. It already died of its structural cancer and just needed the time and money to be removed. Sad that it finally came.

  6. I doubt that this will make X smooth. After seeing how bad the vibrations on teh windwalker trains were, I think that cantilevering seats off the track on a high-speed coaster is just not stiff enough to prevent these vibrations.
    I'm actually most fearful of that. I was hoping the new trains would be a better remedy towards this. It's what I most look forward to. I could see new billboards for this updated ride. "You are here."
  7. I guess what I thought about the park last year continues this year. In the 5 years I've had a season pass in the last 7 or so years I've been to SFA every year. I think my excitement for this park began to die down when I started to visit SFNE in 2003 and on. Last year proved that my opinions of top coasters in the park changed. It used to be Superman and Joker's Jinx but they both now are more rough. To my surprise I've rediscovered The Wild One as a better coaster. Now I consider Two Face, The Wild One and Roar as my park favorites. Mind Eraser and Tower of Doom are big duds. I still like Superman Ultimate Flight more than Batwing. I think I am not driven enough to come to this park this year. I may need a break from this so-so park this year. The desire of those large souvenir maps drew me last year, which was a big reward since I found the collector's set with the rest of the maps there.

  8. Thank you for steering me there gang. Coasterforce does have a nice guide and basic info about each park. It is much appreciated. When I'm there I'm pretty much in the hands of my hosts. I hope to print a couple homepages for the parks I'm interested and show it to them. I hope they get the clue. In the info guide they'll get with my Bio I included as a hobby my love of coasters. Lotte World looks more inticing now. I really hope it opens sooner than scheduled for the work it was supposed to get.

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