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Everything posted by darthmario

  1. If you can deal with us...I'm terrified to know it can get worse! Haha - truth. They can be way worse and feel way more entitled to special privileges.
  2. Yep, I fully agree with this. Windjammer definitely sucked.
  3. Demon for me as well, though at California Great America - at the time it was still Marriot's Great America and had the theme song playing in the queue.
  4. Thought I'd share this little gem. My bud Chloe and I have a tradition of ending up with on-ride photos featuring our gleeful faces and absolute terror happening around us. I felt so bad for the little guy behind us. Now, it's not caught in the photo, but we were in extra high spirits in the photo because the woman in front of us had her hair weave fly off at this exact moment. She was able to catch it... there's nothing funnier than seeing someone go through the helix trying to keep the remnants of their $25 hair weave in their hand. She dide handle it well... mock outrage, but you could tell she couldn't wait to tell others that the ride was so insane that it pulled out her weave. Aw the poor kid is in terror
  5. I already can't wait. Totally coasted out and that's a great thing. Got on everything at least once. Had some of my best rides ever on Viper and Revolution. Kudos to the X2 ride crew in the morning - flawless load and unload when I rode. After hearing during Q&A of some of the bits of TLC that will come over the next few years and more info about Terminator Salvation: The Ride: The Theming I only see great things for the future. Thanks to everyone at TPR, Ride World, and Magic Mountain for putting on such a great event... even with the manic weather of rain, sun, hail & winds.
  6. Agreed... as long as Rolling Thunder got a re-theme as Team Venture, with one track Hank and the other Dean.
  7. Goliath can be a face killer in the rain... Rode Ninja and Tatsu in light rain about a month or so ago. Just to echo comments earlier, SFMM management totally deserves kudos for going out of their way to make this a great event.
  8. Can't wait for tomorrow! I barely post on here (I fail at forums), but I'm totally looking forward to meeting everyone. This is my first TPR event, my friend Jamie's first coaster event & her first time at MM in 7 or 8 years. I know we can show her that while we're all a bunch of coaster nerds, we're all a bunch of fun... pretty much why I thought a TPR event would be perfect to get her feet wet! Also, we totally want to do the Scavenger hunt, so if anyone needs two for their team, let us know!
  9. Agreed on both points. I think I only rode that once and I was so young that I don't remember it. I think it was the season that Roaring Rapids opened... not sure though as I must have been in pre-school then. I do remember enjoying Mountain Express & I know my Dad got a kick out of it. He was disappointed when it was removed.
  10. glad I was able to visit when I was in the city last week: Exceptionally large people ... must be all the ACErs. However it almost sounds like a compliment. Cyclone! At least that's safe This used to be a tunnel of love. Astroland Entrance
  11. I think you're thinking of "Strangers on a Train" which is an awesome film. A buddy of mine actually gave me this awful movie to watch from 1973 called "The Clones" because it featured a shootout on a roller coaster and featured Gregory Sierra from Barney Miller. I didn't know what this coaster was for a long time - I assumed it was at the LA county fairgrounds, but didn't know. Apparently it was there, someone has full details on YouTube.
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