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Everything posted by CoastinKenny

  1. No far reaching plans as of yet, but I know I will at the very least make it to all of my usuals: Dollywood Carowinds Family Kingdom (Home park...I can run down there after work for a couple of hours)
  2. Last new coaster for me was Fury325 back on August 4, 2015. Rode it a few more times this year as well. Was hoping to add Lightning Rod this year, but unfortunately my Dollywood travels took me there in late March. I'll be back again next year with hopefully better luck.
  3. Can't honestly say. I checked RCDB for the coasters built in 1981, and there's not a single one of them that I've been on. Yes, I'm ashamed. I must fix this.
  4. I didn't even know about them. I just now signed up to receive them thanks to this thread. I've been a long time lurker here, and this is my first post.
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